2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Wilmes - Chair, Blanton, Branstetter-Hall, Gall, Hempsmyer, Hill, Jackson, Kessler, Linder, & Ogle
Health Sciences Building 243 • 417-625-9322
Provide contemporary nursing education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Improve healthcare in culturally diverse local and global communities through excellence in nursing education, practice and service.
The Bachelor of Science degree Nursing Program provides intensive preparation for the first-time entering student, baccalaureate degree graduate, licensed practical nurse seeking licensure as a registered nurse and for the registered nurse pursuing baccalaureate education in the nursing discipline.
The program is based on the Betty Neuman Systems Model, emphasizing Person, Health, Environment and Nursing. General Education Requirements and required support courses augment nursing courses in preparing a professional nurse who is able to function at the client’s side in a diverse health-care delivery system. The program has full approval by the Missouri State Board of Nursing, PO Box 656, Jefferson City MO, (573) 751-0681.
Application for Registered Nurse Licensure in Missouri
According to Section 335.066 Missouri Nursing Practice Act (1-16), granting of the nursing baccalaureate degree does not guarantee eligibility to sit for the licensure examination or guarantee issuance of a license to practice nursing in the state of Missouri. For eligibility requirements to apply, write the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) as specified in section 335.046-1 of the Missouri Nursing Practice Act. In addition, the applicant should: 1) be of good moral character; 2) have completed high school or equivalent; 3) have successfully completed basic professional curriculum in accredited school of nursing. Section 335.066, Missouri Nursing Practice Act (1-16), provides rules for denial, revocation or suspension of license and grounds for civil immunity. The Board may refuse to issue any certificate of registration or authority and permit or license stated in subsection two of this section. Detailed information may be obtained through the Missouri State Board of Nursing Website - www.pr.mo.gov/nursing.asp
Completion of the nurse education program does not guarantee eligibility to take the licensure examination.
The program is nationally accredited by The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road NE Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326, Phone 404-975-5000 and Fax 404-975-5020.
Department of Nursing Program Objectives
- Offer a nationally accredited Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing.
- Enhance higher order thinking, communication, research and therapeutic interventions in the practice of professional nursing.
- Promote lifelong learning activities for personal and professional development.
- Furnish a foundation for management and leadership roles in nursing.
- Prepare graduates to use Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice in a variety of settings.
- Provide a foundation for graduate education studies in nursing.
- Promote empathy for the values and perspectives of diverse cultures including an awareness of international and multicultural influences in nursing.
Graduate Outcomes
Upon completion of the program the graduate will:
- Apply the Neuman systems model in the promotion of the person’s optimal systems stability.
- Promote health by empowering the person through health education.
- Provide self-directed contemporary health care through application of the nursing process.
- Practice within the professional standards of care.
- Use current technologies in providing culturally sensitive care through primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
- Manage health care delivery through coordination, collaboration and delegation.
- Integrate communication strategies in interacting with the person.
- Apply nursing and health related research to nursing practice.
- Continuous enrollment, readmission or admission to the University as a transfer student.
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5 minimum based upon completion of freshman and sophomore courses listed in the suggested order of study.
- Completion of the following required support courses with a grade of ‘C’ or higher:
BIO 0121 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 0221 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 0231 - General and Medical Microbiology
CHEM 0121 - Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences and CHEM 0122 - Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences Laboratory or CHEM 0140 - General Chemistry I and CHEM 0141 - Gen Chemistry I Laboratory
BIO 0308 - Pathophysiology
KINE 0385 - Nutrition for Human Development
PSC 0120 PSC 0120 - American Government
- All courses from the Suggested Order of Study must be completed prior to entering the nursing major at the junior level.
- Criminal Record check
- State of Missouri Caregiver Background Screening
- Drug/Alcohol Screen
- Physical examination with health requirements documented
- Non-refundable application charge
RSMO 660.317 prohibits a hospital from knowingly allowing those guilty of Class A and B felonies as defined by state law to give care to clients in the agency. Missouri Southern State University students are assigned to do clinical practice in cooperating hospitals and the Department is in agreement that students must meet these requirements. Results of a personal criminal history record check and caregiver background screening must be on file prior to the Junior Year of nursing courses. Applicants who have been found guilty and/or listed on background check lists in the Family Care Safety Registry pursuant to sections 210.900 to 210.937, RSMo of Class A and B felonies will be ineligible to enter the program.
Applicants must demonstrate evidence of personal characteristics and integrity that indicate high probability of successful degree completion and must meet application criteria necessary to complete the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN).
Application, readmission and transfer forms and criteria are available from the Department of Nursing.
Deadline for Department of Nursing application and Missouri Southern State University transcript is January 31 for fall admission and August 31 for spring admission.
The applicant is responsible for verifying that the Missouri Southern State University transcript contains all transcripted courses from other colleges and universities prior to the application deadline and submitting the Missouri Southern State University transcript to the Department of Nursing by the stated deadline.
Students who meet all admission criteria and have completed the Suggested Order of Study for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing at Missouri Southern State University will be given preference in admission.
Progression policies: Refer to the McCune Brooks Foundation School of Nursing Student Handbook and Safety and Exposure Manual for progression policies.
Freshman Option: Direct Provisional Admission (DPA)
Students entering as first time freshmen to Missouri Southern State University will have the opportunity to receive direct provisional admission to the nursing program based upon the following criteria:
- Meet all requirements for regular admission to Missouri Southern State University as a first-time freshman.
- ACT composite score of 25 or higher.
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA in required courses each semester with a grade of ‘C’ or above (refer to catalog for required courses).
- Meet all other requirements for admission to nursing major prior to matriculation.
Admission of Baccalaureate Degree Applicants
Applicants holding a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution are considered by the University as having completed the General Education Requirements. Degreed nursing applicants must meet all stated admission requirements.
Required support courses for admission into the nursing major including natural area physical sciences courses requiring a grade of ‘C’ or higher are as follows:
Admission of Registered Nurses (RNs)
Registered nurses are admitted to the University as graduates of Southern’s Associate Degree Nursing Program or as transfer students. In addition to the program admission requirements, registered nurses must also meet the following requirements:
- Graduation from a state-approved and Accredition Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accredited associate degree or diploma nursing program. Registered nurse applicants from non-ACEN accredited nursing programs must complete NURS 0301 - Transitions in Nursing and attain a GPA of 3.0 in the first semester of coursework in order to be granted regular admission status.
- Current registered nurse licensure or eligibility in the state of Missouri.
- Upon successful completion of NURS 0301 - Transitions in Nursing , 3 credit hours, validation of 30 credit hours of nursing knowledge will be transcribed for credit as follows:
An assessment charge per credit hour will be charged to the student’s account.
- The RN has an option to challenge NURS 0305 - Pharmacology in Nursing (3 credit hours) and NURS 0370 - Gerontologic Nursing (3 credit hours) through departmental examination. An assessment charge per departmental examination must be paid in advance of the examination.
Admission of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) are admitted to the University as first-time (generic) or transfer students. LPN applicants must meet all University and program requirements for admission. The LPN has the option to challenge 11 credit hours for NURS 0305 - Pharmacology in Nursing , NURS 0310 - Health Assessment and Technologies , and NURS 0370 - Gerontologic Nursing through departmental examination. An assessment charge per departmental examination must be paid in advance of the examination.
Transfer Policy for Students from a Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program:
- All program admission criteria must be met.
- A letter of reference is required from the Dean or Director of the nursing program previously attended stating the student left in good standing and is eligible for readmission.
- Transfer courses will be evaluated for course equivalency at Missouri Southern on an individual basis.
- Nursing courses with a clinical component must be fully met.
- Transfer is based on space availability.
Special Costs
Costs incurred during the program include, but are not limited to: laboratory, equipment, simulation center, required nurse bag equipped for courses, uniforms, pins, standardized examination costs, graduation costs, licensing examination costs, hepatitis series, current immunizations, etc. An estimated cost sheet for nursing students is available in the Department of Nursing. Often these special costs, as well as tuition, are covered by financial aid.
Minors in supportive disciplines are available to nursing students. See requirements for the following suggested (but not exclusive) minors: Informatics, Business, Spanish, etc.
Students are required to have completed a physical examination/health verification after conditional admission to the nursing program. Students will be required to demonstrate physical and/or emotional fitness to meet the essential requirements of each course in the program. Such essential requirements include freedom from communicable diseases, the ability to perform certain physical tasks and suitable emotional fitness. Any appraisal measures used to determine such physical and/or emotional fitness will be in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Core performance standards for admission and progression which comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 are available in the office of the Department of Nursing.
For additional information on the Nursing Program contact:
The Department of Nursing
Health Sciences Building 243
417-625-9322 • nursing@mssu.edu
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