Mar 31, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Organization

University History

The citizens of Joplin, who in the late 1930s asked the public school district to offer college classes, could not have envisioned the sprawling campus and multidiscipline curriculum that today is Missouri Southern State University. From that initial request came Joplin Junior College, founded in 1937 as part of the Joplin school system. Nine faculty members and 114 students began classes under the auspices of the Extension Division of the University of Missouri in the new high school building.

In the spring of 1938, voters approved almost 5-to-1 a bond proposal that would assure the continuation of the junior college. During the next 25 years Joplin Junior College established a national reputation for outstanding academic strength, a strong foundation for what was to come. By the mid-1960s, area citizens again recognized the need for expanded educational opportunities.

In 1964, the citizens voted in an 8-1 majority to create the Junior College District of Jasper County with a Board of Trustees to govern the newly named Jasper County Junior College. The following year, the Missouri General Assembly established a two-year senior college to be funded by the state. The district would continue to provide the freshman and sophomore years.

The area again responded with enthusiastic and generous support with the building of a new campus on the site of the Mission Hills Farm to house the growing college. Administration and faculty, working with other college educators around the state, began developing the new curriculum. In August 1967, students gathered for the first time on the new campus of Missouri Southern State College.

The dual funding arrangement with the state continued until 1977 when on July 1 the State of Missouri officially took on the responsibility of funding the entire College.

With growing global interdependence, it became clear that Missouri Southern must prepare its students to function successfully in the emerging global economy. So in June 1990, plans were announced to pursue the expansion of the College’s mission to incorporate an international emphasis in all its academic and special programs. In 1995, the Missouri General Assembly approved House Bill 442, directing the institution to “develop such academic support programs and public service activities it deems necessary and appropriate to establish international or global education as a distinctive theme of its mission.” Many new programs in international education that enrich and complement the existing programs are now in place.

On July 12, 2003, Missouri Governor Bob Holden officially signed Senate Bill 55, which renamed Missouri Southern State College as Missouri Southern State University-Joplin. August 28, 2003 marked the official date the name changed. The legislation was sponsored by Gary Nodler in the Senate and Bryan Stevenson in the House. Provisions of the legislation also allowed MSSU to begin offering cooperative master’s degree programs.

Today Missouri Southern State University remains a proud member of the state’s higher education family while continuing to serve the region that is an integral part of its past.

Board of Governors

Rod Anderson 2009
James B. Fleischaker 2017
Sherry L. Buchanan 2014
Glenn M. McCumber 2018
Lynn M. Ewing III 2015
Tracy Flanigan 2019
Keith C. Hankins 2016

Board of Trustees

Donald R. Patterson
Jerry E. Wells


American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
American Dental Educator Association
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs
Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs
Association of Governing Boards of Universities & Colleges
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education
Council on Public Higher Education
Institute of International Education
Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association
Missouri Academy of Science
Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Missouri Biotechnology Association
Missouri Consortium for International Programs and Studies
Missouri Mathematics and Science Coalition
NAFSA: Association of International Educators
National Collegiate Athletic Association
National League for Nursing Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities
The Higher Learning Commission

Accreditations and Approvals

Accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association, Phone: 312.263.0456 Website:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Commission on Dental Accreditation, American Dental Association
Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care
Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiology
Missouri Math and Science Coalition
Missouri State Board of Nursing
Missouri State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Bureau (EMS)
National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
National Environmental Health Science and Protection Council
Police Officers Standards and Training
Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET

Information concerning accreditation, including copies of pertinent documents, may be obtained from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

(Date indicates first year of full-time MSSU service)

Nii Adote Abrahams
Professor, Economics 1999
Bachelor’s (B.Sc.), University of Ghana
Master’s (M.S.), University of Massachusetts
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Pennsylvania State University

Anthony C. Adamopoulos

Professor, Psychology 2004
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Kansas
Master’s (M.A.), University of Kansas
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Kansas

Charles Adams
Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice 2011
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University

Jonathan Adongo
Associate Professor, Economics 2013
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Botswana
Master’s (M.A.), University of Botswana
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Middle Tennessee State University

Diana Allan
Visiting Assistant Professor, Music 2018
Bachelor’s (B.M.E.), Pittsburg State University
Bachelor’s (B.M.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.A.), Stephen F. Austin State University
Doctorate (D.M.A.), University of Texas-Austin

Amila Appuhamy
Assistant Professor, Mathematics 2013
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Columbo-Sri Lanka
Master’s (M.A.), University of Toledo
Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D.), University of Toledo

Marsi E. Archer
Professor, Chemistry 1998
Dean, School of Arts and sciences
Bachelor’s (B.S.), James Madison University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Ohio State University

Bobbie Augspurger
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S E.), Secondary Education, Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.Ed.), Elementary Education, Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), Educational Administration, Advanced Principal & Superintendent, Lindenwood Univeristy

Rabindra Bajracharya
Assistant Professor, Physics 2015
Bachelor’s (B.Sc.), Physics, Tribhuvan University
Master’s (M.Sc.), Physics, Tribhuvan University
Master’s (M.A.), Physics, Kent State University
Master’s (M.S.), Physics, University of Maine
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Physics, University of Maine

Alla Barry
Associate Professor, Biology 2011
Doctorate (M.D.), Northern State Medical University

Jordan Baumbach
Assistant Professor, Biology & Environmental Health 2018
Associate’s (A.S.), University of Wisconsin
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Biology, University of Wisconsin
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Interdepartmental Genetics & Genomics, Iowa State University

Maggie Beachner
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Human Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Master’s (M.Ed.), Secondary Education, Career & Technical Education, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Interdepartmental Genetics & Genomics, Iowa State University

Matthew Beaver
Master Instructor, Teacher Education 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Secondary Education-Sociology & Political Science, Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Educational Leadership, Pittsburg State University

Sheri L. Beeler
Professor, Kinesiology 1995
Chair, Department of Kinesiology
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.E.), Physical Education, University of Central Missouri
Doctorate (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership, Educational Administration, Saint Louis University

Christine Bentley
Associate Professor, Art 2013
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Southern Illinois University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Notre Dame
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Art History, Indiana University-Bloomington

Megan L. Bever
Assistant Professor, History 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Purdue University
Master’s (M.A.) History, University of Alabama
Doctorate (Ph.D.) History, University of Alabama

Robert S. Black
Associate Professor, Library 1988
Serials/Reference Librarian
Bachelor’s (B.A.) History/Teacher Education, Millikin University
Master’s (M.L.S.) Library Science, Indiana University

Kelli Blanton
Assistant Professor, Nursing 2012
Bachelor’s (B.S.N) Nursing, Westminster College
Master’s (M.S.N./ED) Nursing Education, University of Phoenix

Teresa Boman
Associate Professor, Biology 2013
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Biology, College of the Ozarks
Master’s (M.S.) Environmental Science, Arkansas State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Environmental Science, Arkansas State University

Otto Borchert
Assistant Professor, Computer Information Science 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Computer Science, North Dakota State University
Master’s (M.S.) Computer Science, North Dakota State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Computer Science, North Dakota State University

Jacob Boswell
Assistant Professor, Mathematics 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Mathematics, Arkansas Tech Univeristy
Master’s (M.S.) Mathematics, Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Mathematics, Purdue University

Jo Ellen Branstetter-Hall
Assistant Professor, Nursing 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.N.) Nursing, Pittsburg State Univeristy
Master’s (M.S.N.) Nursing, University of kansas
Master’s (M.S.) Community College Teaching, Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Nursing, University of Kansas

Barry E. Brown
Professor, English & Philosophy 1987
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Kalamazoo College
Master’s (M.A.), Columbia University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Rochester
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Rochester

Joey R. Brown
Professor, English & Philosophy 2000
Bachelor’s (B.A.) English, Cameron University
Master’s (M.A.) Creative Writing, University of Oklahoma
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Interdisciplinary Studies (Creative Writing, Professional Writing 20th Century American Literature), University of Oklahoma

Maria Bruggeman
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology 2010
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Elementary Education & Physical Education, University of North Dakota
Master’s (M.S.) Kinesiology, University of North Dakota

Ward H. Bryant
Associate Professor, Communication 1992
Chair, Department of Communication
Bachelor’s (B.S.J.) Broadcast Journalism, University of Kansas
Master’s (M.S.) Speech & Drama (Radio, Television & Film), University of Kansas

Dominic Buccieri
Visiting Professor/Assistant Professor, International Business 2018
Bachelor’s (B.B.A), Cleveland State University
Master’s (M.B.A), Indiana Wesleyan University
Doctorate (D.B.A.), Cleveland State University

F. Burt Bucher
Associate Professor, Art 2005
Bachelor’s (B.F.A.) Eastern Kentucky University
Master’s (M.F.A.) University of Cincinnati

Shayna Burchett
Assistant Professor, Chemistry 2018
Associate’s (A.A), State Fair Community College
Bachelor’s (B.S), Central Methodist University
Doctorate (Ph.D), Missouri University of Science & Technology

Lezlie Cantrell
Associate Professor, Dental Hygiene 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Dental Hygiene, Northeast Louisiana University
Master’s (M.Ed.) Dental Hygiene, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Doctorate (Ed.D.) Education, Capella University

James J. Capeci
Associate Professor, Library 2002
Library Director
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Southwest Missouri State University
Master’s (M.L.S.) University of Missouri-Columbia

Aaron Carmichael
Assistant Professor, International English 2013
Bachelor’s (B.B.L.) Bible Literature, Ozark Christian College
Master’s (M.A.) Intercultural Studies & TESOL, Wheaton College

Paula Phillips Carson
Professor, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs 2015
Bachelor’s (B.B.A.), Loyola University of the South
Master’s (M.B.A), Millsaps College
Doctorate (Ph.D.)Business Administration (Management), Louisiana State University

Charles Clarke
Master Instructor and Mock Trial Team Sponsor, Social Sciences (Political Science) 2018
Master’s (M.A.) Political Science, Northwestern University
J.D. Law Northwestern University
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Political Science, Northwestern University

Kara Coffman-Rea
Master Instructor, Biology 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Northern Illinois University
Master’s (M.S.) Biological Sciences-Human Anatomical Sciences, Northern Illinois University

AmyKay Cole
Professor, Psychology 2002
Bachelor’s (B.A.) Psychology, University of New Mexico
Master’s (M.A.) Clinical Psychology, Kent State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Clinical Psychology, Kent State University

K. Casey Cole
Professor, Psych Psychology, Shippensburg State University of Pennsylvania
Master’s (M.A.) Experimental Psychology, Kent State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.)experimental Psychology, Kent State University

James D. Collins
Professor, Computer Information Science 1998
Bachelor’s (B.S.), St. Louis University
Master’s (M.S.), Southern Illinois University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Nova Southeastern University

Jean Coltharp
Assistant Professor, Mathematics 2014
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University

Deborah Combs
Associate Professor, Accounting 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Accounting, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Master’s (M.B.A) Accounting-Business Administration, Oklahoma City University
Master’s (M.A.S) Accounting, Strayer University
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Business Administration-Accounting, North Central University
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

S. Mark Comstock
Professor, Accounting 1993
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Oklahoma
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Accounting (DABFA)

Kathrine Corum
Assistant Professor, Dental Hygiene 2014
Associate’s (A.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Missouri Southern State University/University of Missouri-Kansas

Cheryl Cotter
Associate Professor, Music 2005
Bachelor’s (B.M.), University of North Texas
Master’s (M.M.), University of North Texas
Doctorate (D.M.A.), University of North Texas

Matthew Cowdin
Assistant Professor and Director Law Enforcement Academy 2008
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Criminal Justice Administration, Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.) Criminal Justice Administration, Southeast Missouri University

Nancy M. Crabtree
Associate Professor, Library 2003
Reference/Instruction Librarian
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Syracuse University
Master’s (M.L.S.), University of South Carolina

Susan Craig
Associate Professor, Teacher Education 1993
Interim Chair, Teacher Education
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), University of Missouri - Columbia

Andrea N. Cullers
Associate Professor, Kinesiology 2013
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Human Environmental Science (Food & Human Nutrition), University of Arkansas
Master’s (M.S.) Dietetics & Nutrition, University of Kansas Medical Center
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Nutritional Biology (International & Human Nutrition), University of California, Davis

Carrie Curtis
Assistant Professor, Mathematics 2009
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.) Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia

Charles N. Curtis
Professor, Mathematics 1992
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Mathematics, University of Washington
Master’s (M.S.) Mathematics, University of Washington
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Mathematics, University of Washington

John Davenport
Assistant Professor, Geography 2015
Bachelor’s (B.A.) Geography, University of Oklahoma
Master’s (M.A.) Geography, California State University Northridge
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Geography, University of Kentucky

Michelle Dawson
Assistant Professor, Marketing 2009
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A.)Business Administration (Management), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.B.A.) Business Administration, Missouri State University

Peggy Day
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education, 2011
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.) Education, Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.A.) Communication, Pittsburg State University

Will Delehanty
Associate Professor, Political Science 2010
Bachelor’s (B.G.S.) General Studies/Political Science, University of Kansas
Master’s (M.A.) Political Science, University of Kansas
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Political Science, University of Kansas

James Donelson
Assistant Professor, Chemistry 2010
Interim Chair, Chemistry and Physical Sciences
Bachelor’s (B.S.) Chemistry & microbiology, University of Arkansas
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Medical Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacy, Purdue University

Megan Douglas
Instructor, Management 2010
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (MAT), Missouri State University
P.H.R. (Professional in Human Resources)

Stu Dunlop
Professional-in-Residence, Marketing 2008
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri University of Science and Technology
Master’s (M.B.A.), Missouri State University

Stephanie Schartel Dunn
Assistant Professor, Mamarketing 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.Ed.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.A.), Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (PH.D.), University of Oklahoma
Post-Doctoral Bridge Program, University of Florida

Ricardo J. Espinosa
Associate Professor, Music 2014
Bachelor’s (B.M.), California State University
Master’s (M.M.), University of California
Doctorate (Ed.D.), University of California

Jenny Lee Ferguson
Visiting Assistant Professor, English 2018
Bachelor’s (B.A.), York University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Windsor
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of South Dakota

William Fischer
Assistant Professor, History 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Carleton College
Master’s (M.S.), University of Florida
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Florida

Michael D. Fletcher
Professor, Biology 1994
Director of Environmental Health
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Southwest Missouri State University
Master’s (M.S.), University of Oklahoma
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Oklahoma State University

Elizabeth Gall
Master Instructor, Nursing 2018
Bachelors (B.S.B.A.), Sterling College
Bachelors (B.S.N.), Cox College
Master’s (M.S.N.), Missouri State University
Master’s (M.S.Ed.), Missouri Baptist University

Rubén Galve Rivera
Assistant Professor, Modern Languages 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.) Universidad de Sevilla
Master’s (M.A.), Texas Tech University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Texas Tech University

Michael P. Garoutte
Professor, Chemistry 1997
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Kansas

Tara Garrity
Master Instructor, Social Work 2018
Associate’s (A.A.),Ozarks Technical Community College
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.W.), Missouri State University

Amy Gates
Assistant Professor, English & Philosophy 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Truman State University
Master’s (M.A.), Truman State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Illinois-Chicago

Lynell Gilbert-Saunders
Associate Professor, Chemistry 2006
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri-Rolla

Carissa Gober
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), Lindenwood University

Alma Gonzales
Master Instructor, Chemistry 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of the Philippines
Master’s (M.S.), Bowling Green State University
Master’s (M.S.), Clemson University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), Mindanao State University

Jeri Goswick
Visiting Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2018
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), University of Missouri-Columbia

Katherine Gray
Visiting Assistant Professor, English & Philosophy 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.E.), Southwest Missouri State University

Natalie C. Grecu
Assistant Professor, Communication 2015
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Purdue University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Colorado
Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D.), Washington State University

Frederick Green II
Assistant Professor, Music 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Rollins College
Master’s (M.M.), University of Florida

Jill Greer
Associate Professor, Sociology, 2005
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Arkansas
Master’s (M.A.), University of Missouri - Columbia
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri - Columbia
Postgraduate Studies, University of Arizona

Conrad E. Gubera
Professor, Sociology 1967
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Oklahoma State University
Post-Doctoral Studies, Columbia University/University of Chicago
Fellow with National Council on US-Arab Relations, Washington, DC
Fellow with East-West Center, University of Hawaii (Honolulu)
Fulbright-Hayes Scholar (Hungary & Poland)
Fulbright-Hayes Scholar (Egypt)

Mikh Gunderman
Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Appalachian State University
Master’s, (M.S.), Appalachian State University
Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri - St. Louis

Bornface Gunsaru
Assistant Professor, Chemistry 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Zimbabwe
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Portland State University

Kyle Gustafson
Assistant Professor, Biology & Environmental Health 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of North Dakota
Master’s (M.S.), University of North Dakota
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Oklahoma State University
Graduate Certificate, Oklahoma State University

Holly Hackett
Associate Professor, Psychology 2011
Department Chair, Psychology
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.A.), New Mexico State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), New Mexico State University

Lorinda Hackett
Associate Professor, Teacher Education 2006
Interim Dean, School of Education
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Northwest Missouri State University
Master’s (M.S.Ed.), Northwest Missouri State University
Specialist (Ed.S.), Pittsburg State University

Whitney Hamm
Lecturer, Library 2017
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Arkansas
Master’s (M.I.L.), Kent State University

Rebecca Harshaw
Clinical Instructor, Dental Hygiene 2018
Associate’s (A.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University

Patricia Hempsmyer
Assistant Professor, Nursing 2005
Bachelor’s (B.S.N.) Wichita State University
Master’s (M.S.N.) Wichita State University

Dennis L. Herr
Professor, Computer Information Science 1985
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Pittsburg State University
Certified Data Processor (CDP)

Cherona Hicklin
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2010
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University
Specialist (Ed.S.), Southwest Baptist University
Doctorate (Ed.D), Southwest Baptist University

Robert Hilton
Assistant Professor, Management 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of the Ozarks
Master’s (M.B.A.), University of Central Arkansas
Doctorate (D.B.A.), Nova Southeastern University

Mary (Michelle) Holt
Master Instructor, Modern Language 2018
Bachelor’s (B.A.), College of the Ozarks
Master’s (M.A.), Purdue University

Aladar Horvath
Assistant Professor, Management 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.), P:urdue University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Michigan State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Michigan State University

Sherman X. Hou
Professor, Modern Languages 1996
Chair, Department of Foreign Languages
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Donghua University
Master’s (M.A.), Beijing Foreign Language University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Hawaii at Manoa
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Nova Southeastern University

Michael Howarth
Associate Professor, English & Philosophy 2008
Director of Honors Program
Bachelor’s (B.A.), James Madison University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Alaska at Anchorage
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Elke M. Howe
Professor, Engineering Technology 2001
Chair, Department of Engineering Technology
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.T.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), University of Arkansas

Loreen R. Huffman
Professor, Psychology 1996
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Pennsylvania State University
Master’s (M.S.), Rutgers University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Rutgers University

William E. Huffman
Professor, Accounting 2000
Bachelor’s (B.B.A.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.Acct.), Kansas State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of North Texas
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Mike Hulderman
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice 2013
Chair, Department of Criminal Justice
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Northeastern State University
Specialist (Ed.S.), Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), Oklahoma State University

Vivian Jackson
Assistant Professor, Nursing 2011
Bachelor’s (B.S.N.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.N.), University of Kansas

Anne M. Jaros
Professor, Theatre 1989
Bachelor’s (B.F.A.), University of Illinois
Master’s (M.F.A.), Northwestern University

Donna Johnson
Professor, Biology 2006
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Missouri
Doctorate (D.V.M.), University of Missouri

Kerry D. Johnson
Professor, Mathematics 1998
Chair, Department of Mathematics
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Arkansas Tech University
Master’s (M.S.), Oklahoma State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), Oklahoma State University

Kevin Keller
Assistant Professor, International English 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.A.), Missouri State University

Peyton Kessler
Clinical Instructor, Nursing 2016
Associate’s (A.A.S.), Labette Community College
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Pittsburg State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.N.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.E.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.), University of Arkansas
Doctorate (D.P.N.), University of Arkansas

John Kilmer
Lecturer, Biology 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.), College of the Ozarks
Master’s (M.S.), Arkansas State University

Mary Kilmer
Assistant Professor, Environmental Health 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.), College of the Ozarks
Master’s (M.A.), University of Missouri-Columbia
Master’s (M.S.), Arkansas State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Arkansas State University

James E. Kilpatrick, Jr.
Associate Professor,Modernn Languages 2004
Department Chair, Modern Languages
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Arkansas
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Kansas

Hyunjung Kim
Assistant Professor, Communication 2013
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Seoul Women’s University
Master’s (M.A.), Florida State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), SUNY Buffalo

Karen Kostan
Associate Professor, Psychology 2008
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Wisconsin
Master’s (M.A.), University of California-Davis
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of California-Davis

William A. Kumbier
Professor, English & Philosophy 1989
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Michigan State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), State University of New York at Buffalo

Richard A. Laird
Professor, Mathematics 2000
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Emporia State University
Master’s (M.S.), Emporia State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Kansas State University

Kelly B. Larson
Associate Professor, Communication 1999
Bachelor’s (B.S.), North Dakota State University
Master’s (M.A.), North Dakota State University
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Missouri-Columbia

Grant Lathrom
Associate Professor, Mathematics 2006
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri State University
Master’s (M.S.), Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Missouri University of Science & Technology

Edward (Ted) Lee
Associate Professor, Emergency Medical Services 2017
Associate’s (A.A.), Asheville Buncombe Tech Community College
Bachelor’s (B.S.), George Washington University
Master’s (M.S.E.), Liberty University
Specialiste (Ed.S.), Liberty University

Crystal R. Lemmons
Professor, Biology 2001
Doctorate (D.V.M.), University of Missouri-Columbia

Hong Li
Instructor, Library 2012
Technical Services Librarian
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Lanzhou University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Missouri-Columbia
Master’s (M.L.S.), University of Missouri-Columbia
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri-Columbia

Ann Lile
Assistant Professor, Theatre 2008
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Midwestern State University
Master’s (M.S.), East Texas State University
Master’s (M.Ed.), Kent State University

James E. Lile, Jr.
Associate Professor, Theatre 2004
Chair, Department of Theatre
Bachelor’s (B.A.), East Texas State University
Master’s (M.A.), East Texas State University
Doctorate (Ph. D.), Kent State University

Mari Beth Linder
Professor, Nursing 1999
Bachelor’s (B.S.N.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.N.), University of Mississippi
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri-Kansas City

Susana Liso
Assistant Professor, Modern Language 2011
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Navarra
Master’s (M.A.), Ohio State University
Doctorate (Ph. D.), Ohio State University

David A. Locher
Professor, Sociology 1996
Bachelor’s (B.G.S.), Kent State University
Master’s (M.A.), Kent State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Kent State University

Melissa Locher
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2013
Bachelor’s (B.S.Ed.), SUNY College at Buffalo
Master’s (M.S.Ed.), University of Kentucky
Doctorate (Ed.D.), University of Missouri-Columbia

Terry D. Marion

Professor, Management 1976
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Southwest Missouri State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University
Specialist (Ed.S.), Pittsburg State University
A.B.D., University of Arkansas

Daniel B. Marsh
Professor, Physics 1997
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Drury College
Master’s (M.S.), University of Arkansas
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Missouri University of Science & Technology

James J. Marsh
Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology 2011
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Master’s (M.B.A.), Lawrence Tech University

Kristi Mascher
Instructor, Teacher Education 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.Ed.), University of Missouri-Columbia

Christi Mattix
Instructor, Accounting 2011
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Pittsburg State University

Wendy McGrane
Professor, Library 1999
Associate Vice President Academic Affairs/Vice Provost
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Mercer University
Master’s (M.L.I.S.)), University of Oklahoma
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Capella University

Kyle McKenzie

Assistant Professor, Art 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.A.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.F.A.), University of Arkansas

Holly McSpadden
Professor, English & Philosophy 1999
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Colorado
Master’s (M.A.), University of Texas
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Texas

Farida Mehrhoff
Visiting Assistant Professor, Biology 2018
M.D., Kazan State Medical Academy (Russia)
M.D., Republican Clinical Hospital (Russia)
M.D., Kazan State Medical University (Russia)

Sherilyn Merritt
Clinical Instructor, Dental Hygiene 2015
Associate’s (A.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.Ed.), William Woods University

Richard B. Miller
Professor, Sociology 1985
Director of Disney Internships
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Henderson State University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Memphis
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Oklahoma State University

Amber L. Mintert
Assistant Professor, Art 2014
Bachelor’s (B.S.Ed.), Missouri State University
Master’s (M.S. Ed.), Pittsburg State University

Maryann Mitts
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology 2001
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Rockhurst College
Master’s (M.A.), University of Missouri-Kansas City
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Arkansas

Aaron Moore
Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemical & Physical Sciences 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Southwest Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Kansas State University

J. Chris Moos
Professor, International Business 2003
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A.), Wichita State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Wichita State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Swiss Management Center University

Rebecca Mouser
Assistant Professor, English & Philosophy 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Central Methodist University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Missouri
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri

Douglas Myers
Instructor, Management 2011
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Missouri State University

William (Chase) Neely
Lecturer, Music 2016
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.M.), University of Arkansas

Brian Neugebauer
Lecturer, Teacher Education 2015
Bachelor’s (B.B.L.), Ozark Christian College
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.E.), William Woods University

Brian K. Nichols
Associate Professor, Finance 2000
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), University of Chicago
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Arkansas

Canes Nicolas
Assistant Professor, Music 2018
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Minnesota
Master’s (M.M.), Ohio University
Doctorate (D.M.A.), University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Nicholas P. Nicoletti
Associate Professor, Political Science 2013
Bachelor’s (B.A.), SUNY Brockport
Master’s (M.S.), St. John Fisher College
Master’s (M.B.A.), St. John Fisher College
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Buffalo, SUNY

Coeta Ogle
Assistant Professor, Nursing 2014
Associate’s (A.D.N.), Crowder College
Bachelor’s (B.S.N.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.N.), Graceland University

Ed Outhouse
Assistant Professor, Art 2013
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Master’s (M.F.A.), Iowa State University

David Penning
Assistant Professor, Biology 2016
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Central Missouri
Master’s (M.S.),University of Central Missouri
Doctorate, (Ed.D.), University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Carly Peterson
Master Instructor, English 2017
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri State University
Master’s (M.Ed.), Drury University
Master’s (M.A.), Missouri State University

William T. Pinet
Professor, Computer Information Science 1997
Bachelor’s (B.S.), The School of the Ozarks
Master’s (M.S.), University of Missouri-Rolla

Glenda A. Pippin
Chair, Respiratory Therapy 2000
Bachelor’s (B.S.), California College for Health Sciences
Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT)
Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist (CPFT)
Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist (NPS)

Frank Pishkur
Associate Professor, Art 2005
Bachelor’s (B.F.A.), Indiana State University
Master’s (M.F.A.), Wichita State University

Kayla Reed
Lecturer, Library 2017
Bachelor’s (B.A.) Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.L.I.S.), Kent State University

Victoria Rhodes
Visiting Assistant Professor, Biology & Environmental Health 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Kansas State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Kansas State University

Zackary Rice
Lecturer, Teacher Education 2017
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Mid-America Nazarene University
Master’s (M.Ed.), Southwestern College
ABD, Southwestern College

Anna Rinner
Assistant Professor, Biology & Environmental Health 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Washburn University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Purdue University

Elizabeth Robinson
Assistant Professor, Music 2018
Bachelor’s (B.M.), Drake University
Master’s (M.MA.), an Francisco State University
Doctorate (D.M.A), Ball State University

Michael T. Rodgers
Associate Professor, English & Philosophy 1987
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Central State University, Ohio
Master’s (M.A.), Pittsburg State University
Doctoral Studies, University of Tulsa

Kim Rogers
Assistant Professor, Dental Hygiene 2000
Associate’s (A.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.G.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.P.S.),Fort Hays State University

Shannon Sample
Lecturer, Biology 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), University of Nebraksa at Kearney

Stephanie Schiding
Lecturer, Kinesiology 2016
Associate’s (A.S.), Allen County Community College
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University

Alan Schiska
Associate Professor, Radiology 2001
Chair, Radiology
Associate’s (A.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.E.), Pittsburg State University

Laura Schisler
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Truman State University
Master’s (M.A.T.), Missouri State University
ABD, Texas Tech University

Thomas Schmidt
Associate Professor, Marketing 2011
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Drury University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Drury University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Saint Louis University

Richard Schooler
Associate Professor, Health Science 2016
Dean, School of Health Sciences
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (D.O.), University of Health Sciences-Kansas City

Trina J. Scott
Professor, Criminal Justice 1994
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Indiana University
Law Degree (J.D.), University of Missouri-Columbia

David Sharlow
Associate Professor, Music 2010
Assistant Dean, School of Arts & Sciences
Bachelor’s (B.M.E.), Friends University
Master’s (M.M.E.), Wichita State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of-Kansas City

Narinder Sharma
Assistant Professor, Biology & Environmental Health 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.), D.A.V. College (India)
Master’s (M.S.), Guru Nanek Dev University (India)
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Institute of Microbial Technology (India)
Postdoctoral, University of Kansas Medical Center
Postdoctoral, Kansas State University

Nicole Shoaf
Assistant Professor, Political Science 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri

Rebecca Shriver
Assistant Professor,History 2018
European Union Studies Certification,
Bachelor’s (B.A.),Kennesaw State University
Master’s (M.A.), Florida State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Florida State University

Nicole Shoaf
Assistant Professor, Political Science 2015
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri

Shanna Slavings
Assistant Professor, Communication 2010
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri State University
Master’s (M.A.), Missouri State University

Carla Smith
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.E.), Henderson State University
Master’s (M.S.E.), Henderson State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Arkansas

David M. Smith
Professor, Accounting 1995
Chair, Department of Accounting/Economics/Finance
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Master’s (M.A.S.), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of North Texas
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

Leslie Smith
Assistant Professor, Modern Languages 2003
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

Stephen D. Smith
Associate Professor, Geography 2004
Chair, Department of Social Science
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Central Arkansas
Master’s (M.S.), Georgia Institute of Technology
Master’s (M.A.), Pennsylvania State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Pennsylvania State University
Postgraduate Studies, University of Michigan
Freeman Foundation Scholar, Japan Studies Association

Susan K. Smith
Professor, Music 1996
Director of Vocal Studies
Bachelor’s (B.M.), University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Master’s (M.M.), University of Northern Colorado
Doctorate (D.A.), University of Northern Colorado

Richard E. Spencer
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice 1995
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), University of Central Missouri

J. J. Spurlin, Jr.
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice 1998
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University
Specialist (Ed.S.), Pittsburg State University

Rachel Stanley
Master Instructor, Honors Program
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), University of Central Missouri

Chad D. Stebbins
Professor, Communication 1984
Director, Institute of International Studies
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Central Missouri
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Bowling Green State University

Jennifer Stegall
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education 2016
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri State University
Master’s (M.Ed.), Regent University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri

Tia Marie Strait
Professor, Dental Hygiene 1991
Dean, School of Health Sciences
Associate’s (A.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.G.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), Saint Louis University

John H. Summerfield
Professor, Chemistry 1995
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Portland State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.), The Evergreen State College
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Oregon State University

Jency P. Sundararajan
Assistant Professor, Physics 2014
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Holy Cross College
Master’s (M.S.), Bharathidasan University
Master’s (M. Phil.), St. Joseph’s College
Master’s (M.S.), University of Idaho
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Idaho

Keith Talley
Professor, Music 2016
Department Chair, Music
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.M.), University of Missouri-KC Conservatory of Music
Doctorate (D.M.A.), Michigan State University of Texas at Austin

Cliff Toliver
Professor, English & Philosophy 2001
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Texas Tech University
Master’s (M.A.), University of Texas
Law Degree (J.D.), University of Texas
Doctorate (Ph.D), University of Texas

Susan Tucker
Associate Professor, Psychology 2010
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Missouri Western State College
Master’s (M.A.), University of Missouri
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri


T. A. Vernon
Professor, Management 1988
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Master’s (M.B.A.), University of Mississippi
Doctorate (D.B.A.), Louisiana Tech University
CQE (Certified Quality Engineer)

Steven T. Wagner
Professor, History 2000
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Purdue University
Master’s (M.A.), Purdue University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Purdue University
Summer Studies, Oxford University, England

Huaqing Wang
Assistant Professor, Management 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Shanghai for Science & Technology
Bachelor’s (B.B.A.),Fudan University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Iowa State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Miami

Xiaocan (Lucy) Wang
Associate Professor, Library 2014
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Sichuan University
Master’s (M.S.), Southern Polytechnic State University
Master’s (M.L.I.S.), University of Oklahoma

Zak Watson
Associate Professor, English & Philosophy 2016
Department Chair, English & Philosophy
Bachelor’s (B.A.), University of Missouri
Master’s (M.A.), University of Georgia
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri

Scott J. Wells
Professor, Biology 1993
Doctorate (D.V.M.), University of Missouri

N. Ree Wells-Lewis
Professor, Sociology 1993
Interim Chair, Social Science
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Louisiana State University
Master’s (M.A.), Louisiana State University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Louisiana State University
Summer Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India

Renee White
Associate Professor, Social Work 2015
Chair, Department of Social Work
Bachelor’s (B.S.W.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.W.), University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Doctorate (Ed.D.), University of Missouri, Columbia

Jason E. Willand
Assistant Professor, Biology & Environmental Health 2014
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Western Illinois University
Master’s (M.S.), Western Illinois University
Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D.), Southern Illinois University

Chad Williams
Master Instructor, Emergency Medical Services 2017
EMT/Paramedic Certification, Missouri Southern State University
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University

Tennyson Williams Jr.
Master Instructor, Communication 2018
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Pittsburg State University
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University

Marcia Wilmes
Assistant Professor, Nursing 2016
Department Chair, Nursing
Associate’s (A.S.), Missouri Western State College
Bachelor’s (B.S.N.), Northwest Missouri State University
Master’s (M.S.N.), University of Missouri-Columbia
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Missouri-St. Louis

Claudia Wilson
Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology Department 2008
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Frieberg University of Mining & Technology
Master’s (M.S.), Pittsburg State University

Tim Wilson
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice 2015
Chair, Department of Criminal Justice
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Missouri Southern State University
Master’s (M.S.), University of Central Missouri
Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Arkansas

Phillip C. Wise
Professor, Music 1995
Director of Jazz Studies
Director of Music Education
Bachelor’s (B.A.), William Penn University
Master’s (M.A.), California State University, Dominguez Hills
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Union Institute & University

Jeremy Wolfe
Associate Professor, Social Work 2015
Bachelor’s (B.A.), Johnson University
Master’s (M.S.W.), Missouri State University
Doctorate (Ed.D.), University of Missouri

Tanya Yantis
Assistant Professor, Business 2011
Bachelor’s (B.S.B.A.), Southeast Missouri State University
Master’s (M.B.A.), Southeast Missouri State University

Albert Yeboah-Forson
Assistant Professor, Geophysics
Bachelor’s (B.S.), Kwame Nkrumah Univ. of Science & Technology-Ghana
Master’s (M.S.), Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen, Germany
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Florida International University

Eric Yochum
Visiting Assistant Professor, Business 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.), University of Missouri-Columbia
Master’s (M.B.A.), University of Missouri-Columbia
ABD, University of Arkansas

Jeff Zimmerman
Professor, Dean of the School of Business 2017
Bachelor’s (B.S.), State University of New York at Albany
Master’s (M.A.), West  Virginia University
Master’s (M.S.), Purdue University
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Purdue University

Emeritus Faculty

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Enid Blevins
English, 1966

Deborah Brown
Teacher Education 1994

Al Cade
Teacher Education, 1996

Fred Cinotto
Administration, 1965

Samuel L. Claussen
Theatre, 1977

Lloyd Dryer
Psychology, 1950

Loretta Frazier
Library, 1948

Harry Gockel
History/Geography, 1938

Betsy Griffin
History/Geography, 1938

Cleetis Headlee
English, 1946

Julie Hughes
History, 1979

Duane L. Hunt
Theatre, 1964

Jim Jackson
Biology, 1976

J. Merrell Junkins
Psychology, 1963

Virginia Laas
History, 1988

Julio S. León
Business, 1969

William Livingston
Mathematics, 1968

Richard Massa
Communications, 1972

Martha Ann McCormick
Math, 1937

John Messick
Biology, 1984

Grace C. Mitchell
English, 1958

Melvyn Mosher
Chemistry, 1974

Gail Renner
History, 1965

Art Saltzman
English & Philosophy, 1981

Dorothy Stone
Business, 1939