Nov 21, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Information


The policies and statements contained in the Student Information and Academic Information sections were written for the undergraduate students at Missouri Southern State University and as such may not apply to our graduate students. Please check with the coordinator of the specific graduate program for more information.

Academic Affairs

Dr. Lisa Toms
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Hearnes Hall 204 • 417-625-9394

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost is responsible for the administration of the instructional programs both on and off campus. Student Success, Adult Degree Completion, Distance Learning, Financial Aid, Honors Program, Information Technology, Institute of International Studies, MOSO CAPS, Institutional Effectiveness, Spiva Library, Testing Services, and all academic units are under its direction.

Academic Standards

Good Standing and Eligibility

Students enrolled at Missouri Southern are in good academic standing when they meet the standards of progress toward graduation as listed below. Those falling below these standards will be placed on academic probation. Persons failing to achieve normal progress toward graduation during the probationary period are subject to academic suspension. Students receiving financial aid must meet the good standing criteria listed below.

Those students competing in intercollegiate athletics (NCAA) or in organizations representing the University off campus shall be required to satisfy minimum standards of progress, as indicated below, following the completion of the first academic semester in order to maintain future eligibility in these programs.

Standards of Progress Toward Graduation*

A student’s cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is used to evaluate progress. If the GPA falls below the minimum standards of progress, the work is considered unsatisfactory. Courses not applicable to the baccalaureate degree are not calculated in the GPA hours. Applicable for degree-seeking students only. IEP students should refer to the IEP section of the catalog.

Progress toward a degree is computed on the following GPAs:

*For the Associate and Baccalaureate Degrees

GPA Hours   GPA
1-22 semester hours 1.5
23-44 semester hours 1.6
45-66 semester hours 1.7
67-88 semester hours 1.8
89-110 semester hours 1.9
111 & Above   2.0

Academic Probation, Suspension and Appeal

Each student should consider a GPA of less than 2.0 as a warning. Those falling below the standards of progress toward graduation will be placed on academic probation. If the GPA is not raised to the minimum standard of progress during the probationary semester, the student is subject to immediate academic suspension from the University.

A student receiving academic suspension may not enroll at Missouri Southern for one semester. Students placed on academic suspension may file an appeal through the Office of the Registrar. Deadline to submit an appeal is six business days before the first day of the following semester.

Students whose appeals are approved, will be returned to academic probation.

Students who don’t appeal or whose appeals are denied will have to sit out a semester and reapply for admission. Readmission will be based on meeting MSSU standards of progress toward graduation.

Academic Bankruptcy

A student may petition the Academic Bankruptcy Committee to request one semester of work completed at MSSU to be excluded in computing their overall academic record. An approved Academic Bankruptcy petition will mean that the approved semester’s grades and credits will be excluded in the calculation of the student’s overall GPA and earned hours. The record of the bankrupted semester’s work will still be displayed on the transcript with “E” beside each course signifying exclusion from the calculation of overall GPA and earned hours. In addition, there will be a notation of Academic Bankruptcy for that semester on the transcript. Academic Bankruptcy cannot be used to obtain academic honors or athletic eligibility.

The petition is initiated at the Registrar’s Office either by a paper form or online form.

Academic Bankruptcy rules and guidelines:

  1. To be eligible to petition for Academic Bankruptcy, a student must state in their petition, the unusual conditions that justify the petition.
  2. A student is allowed one approved Academic Bankruptcy petition for the duration of their undergraduate education.
  3. Academic Bankruptcy if approved will be applied to all courses within that semester including passed courses.
  4. Students who have already graduated are ineligible to apply for academic bankruptcy.
  5. Academic Bankruptcy cannot be used as a means of obtaining academic honors or athletic eligibility or avoiding academic probation or academic suspension.
  6. Generally, requesting for general education courses or courses needed to complete a student’s major may not be approved, because these courses must be completed to qualify for graduation.
  7. In some cases, repeating a course may be a better option than an Academic Bankruptcy petition. Please review the Repetition of Courses policy found in the college catalog to see if it better fits your needs.
  8. Approved Academic Bankruptcy at MSSU may not be accepted or recognized at other institutions or agencies.
  9. Academic Bankruptcy cannot be applied to transfer courses. The student should contact the institution where courses were taken and ask about their policy. If grades are subsequently bankrupted at that institution, a new transcript should be sent to MSSU indicating the change.
  10. The approval of academic bankruptcy petition does not constitute the refund or reimbursement of any tuition and fees paid by you or cancel any associated tuition and fees still owed by you for the bankrupted semester.
  11. Academic bankruptcy does not improve the financial aid status for students who do not meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards for federal financial aid.
  12. Students in the IEP program are not eligible to petition for Academic Bankruptcy.
  13. Requests from students on international exchange program or taken during an exchange program will include the International Studies department in the review and approval process.
  14. Approved petitions from student athletes will be communicated to the Athletic department.

Petitions for Academic Bankruptcy may be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at any time during the year. The Academic Bankruptcy committee meets to consider petitions periodically throughout the year. 

Questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at or (417)625-9389.

Repetition of Courses

Students may only receive credit value for a repeated course once. Students may repeat courses in which grades ‘F, D, C, B, U, LP, or P ’ have been earned. When a course is repeated, the highest grade will be used when computing GPAs. The grade of B is considered higher than a P for repeating purposes. Transfer courses may be repeated if Missouri Southern offers the same course. Once a degree is earned, a student is no longer eligible to exclude the grade of the first course in their GPA.  

Honor Roll

An Honors or Deans’ List, issued at the end of fall and spring semesters, contains the names of full-time undergraduate students who have a semester Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.75 or higher with no missing grade (grade of NO), incomplete, in progress grade, or a grade below ‘C.’ Courses below the 100 level are excluded from this GPA calculation.

President’s Honor

President’s Honor is awarded to baccalaureate degree candidates who have studied their junior and senior year at MSSU, earned a minimum of 45 credit hours, with a cumulative GPA of 4.0.

Eligible candidates may be recognized in their last semester at MSSU and during Commencement, however, actual award and notation on transcript will be after degree requirements have been satisfied (Effective AY 2024)

Academic Certificates

Multiple academic departments offer specialized certificates that focus on a specific area relevant to today’s workforce. These certificates are open to all students and may be earned as a stand-alone credential or in conjunction with a degree program. The certificate subject area must differ from a minor and/or major. 

A certificate requires at least nine credit hours, excluding required prerequisites 2.0 GPA overall. Students should work with their advisor to file the proper paperwork to receive the credential.

Graduation and Latin Honors

In recognition of superior scholarships, the University awards honors to associate degree and baccalaureate degree graduates. Honors listed below are not earned until courses are completed, graded and posted on the student’s permanent record. Courses below the 100 level are excluded from this calculation.

Graduation Honors: Associate Degree - The student must have completed a minimum one half of the hours required for the degree in residence at Missouri Southern State University. The cumulative GPA required to receive:

First Honors 3.90-4.00
Second Honors 3.80-3.89
Third Honors 3.70-3.79

Latin Honors: Baccalaureate Degree - Eligibility for any one of the following three honors requires the candidate to study the junior and senior years at Missouri Southern and earn a minimum of 45 hours of MSSU credits:

Summa Cum Laude 3.90-4.00
Magna Cum Laude 3.80-3.89
Cum Laude 3.70-3.79

Commencement Ceremony

Commencement is the ceremony that celebrates the completion of a degree. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not confirm or suggest that a student has earned a credential. Official credentials earned are determined at the end of the semester after final grades have been posted and the Office of the Registrar has verified that all degree requirements have been successfully completed.

MSSU hosts two commencement ceremony periods each year; Fall (December) commencement for fall graduate applicants and Spring (May) commencement for spring and summer graduate applicants. For the Spring commencement, MSSU hosts two ceremonies on the same day. Dates and times vary and are published on the Commencement Website each year.  Commencement ceremony participation is extended to associates, bachelors, and master’s graduate applicants. Students have to apply to graduate to be considered a graduate applicant. To be included in the Commencement program, a student’s application to graduate must be received in the Office of the Registrar according to the published Graduation Application Deadlines.

Graduate applicants wishing to participate in a Commencement ceremony not associated with when they are graduating should submit a request to the Office of the Registrar. Approval to participate will be determined by the VPAA. Students will have to show they have applied to graduate, have a Graduation Checklist submitted by their advisor showing all degree requirements met or that they are in the process of meeting all requirements to graduate with next enrollment. (Updated Fall 2024) 

Revised Standards for Veterans Educational Benefits

The Revised Standards for Veterans Educational Benefits as adopted by the State Board of Education on February 17, 1977, are available in the Veterans Services Office. Each Veteran should see the Veterans Representative regarding these policies.

Any exceptions to the regulations above must receive written approval from the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.

Credit Options

Students may earn a total of 48 credit hours through alternative credit options under this section; Dual Credit, Retro Credit, and Pathways to Healthcare Bachelor’s Credit excluded. 

Special Policies for Financial Aid Recipients

Special policies and regulations governing financial aid recipients are filed in the Financial Aid Office, the Business Office and the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

Resident Credits from Institutions of Equal Standing with Missouri Southern State University

Credits transferred from accredited colleges and universities will be given full value in similar courses whenever possible. The amount of credit given for courses studied in other institutions may not exceed the amount given at Missouri Southern for the same length of time of instruction. Students may not transfer credits to satisfy more than one half of the major course requirements in a department unless the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost is obtained.

Alternative Credits

MSSU accepts different types of Alternative credits. Students may earn a total of 48 credit hours through alternative credit options (Dual Credit, Retro Credit   and Pathways to Healthcare credits excluded).

Externally earned alternative credits will be articulated or applied to a student’s transcript only if they are to be applied towards earned credentials at MSSU just prior to the beginning of the start of the effective admitted term, or if courses are to satisfy prerequisites for classes.

Credits may be awarded as transfer credits on a transcript or applied to a degree audit directly to meet specific degree requirements. 

Refer to the specific Alternative Credit types for additional specific processes and course equivalencies.

Advanced Standing Examination: CLEP and Departmental Exams

A student whose travel, employment, extensive readings or other unique educational experiences appear to have provided proficiency in a course required in the curriculum equivalent to that ordinarily attained by those taking the course in regular classes, may be granted permission to take an advanced standing examination. This examination may be a subject matter test of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or a Departmental Exam.

CLEP Credits: Students who have already completed a CLEP exam should request the College Board to send their score to MSSU. Students who wish to take the CLEP and receive credit should take note of the information below:

  • CLEP courses accepted at MSSU are posted at
  • Grade awarded for course will be “CR”
  • Credit awarded for CLEP exams are included in the 48-hour credit maximum for Alternate Credits

For CLEP examination information, refer to the Registrar  section of the catalog.

Departmental Exam is a comprehensive test designed by the department to cover the subject more fully than a regular final examination. In order to receive credit for a departmental examination, a student must have the following qualifications:

  1. be enrolled in the University at the time of the examination;
  2. not have taken an examination over the course within the preceding six months;
  3. not have credit in a more advanced course in the same field;
  4. be working toward a degree at Missouri Southern State University;
  5. have the approval of the chair of the department in which the course is offered;
  6. not use the examination to replace a previously earned grade.

After a student has taken a departmental examination, the professor will transmit the grade to the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office. If performance is equated as a ‘C’ grade or above, the Registrar will record the credit. The credit granted will be based on applicability and will carry the grade of “CR”.

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Elective Credits: MSSU students can earn three 100 level elective credit hours by taking the ACT WorkKeys NCRC assessment and passing with a score of Silver level or higher. The fee ranges from $75 to $100 depending on where the exam is taken. Contact Testing Services at  for additional information.


International Baccalaureate

Missouri Southern will grant up to 30 semester hours or the equivalent of one full year of university study, to those who have completed study in the International Baccalaureate curriculum in high school. Missouri Southern will grant university credit and advanced placement for International Baccalaureate courses completed at the higher level with a score of four or greater. Students with such backgrounds should contact the Admission Office for a detailed analysis of credits and standing. The credit granted will be based on applicability and will carry the grade of “CR”.

Advanced Placement Test (AP)

Missouri Southern participates in the Advanced Placement Program sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board. Credits are granted for course areas in which a student has completed Advanced Placement Examinations with a score of 3, 4 or 5. The credit granted will be based on applicability and will carry the grade of “CR”.

Seal of Biliteracy (STAMP 4S)

MSSU participates in the Seal of Biliteracy program by awarding qualifying students credit in language classes for their achievements in earning the Seal. The credit awarded is determined by the student’s performance on the Avant Standards-Based Measure of Proficiency (STAMP 4S). The Office of The Registrar Alternative Credits web page publishes additional information including a table specifying the specific credits to be awarded and information on Seals of Biliteracy in languages not offered at MSSU. Questions regarding the Seal of Biliteracy should be directed to the Department of Language and Literature.

High School Dual Credit

Missouri Southern will accept credits earned from a regionally accredited college or university while the student was in high school. These credits are subject to regular transfer credit evaluation, and students must submit an official college or university transcript to the MSSU Registrar’s Office. Dual credits cannot be awarded based on a high school transcript.

Correspondence Course Credit

Missouri Southern accepts credit earned by correspondence from regionally accredited institutions. The credit granted will be based on applicability and will carry the grade of “CR”.

Course Credit for Military Service and Schooling

Military Service students who have completed basic training may be granted credit for the following courses:

  • KINE 103 Lifetime Wellness (2 credit hours)
  • KINE 220 First Aid and Sport Safety (2 credit hours)
  • KINE 101 Introduction to Physical Activity (Land Navigation/Recreation) (1 credit hour)
  • KINE 101 Introduction to Physical Activity (Self-Defense) (1 credit hour)
  • KINE 101 Introduction to Physical Activity (Marksmanship) (1 credit hour)

These requirements will be satisfied if the DD214 form and/or JST (Joint Service Transcript) is submitted to the Missouri Southern Admissions Office. Credit may also be granted for specific military schooling as recommended by the American Council of Education. The credit granted will be based on applicability and will carry the grade of “CR”. The veteran must present documentation designating the military course, date and site of the course. Military transcripts can be ordered from the following websites:

Air Force: Community College of the Air Force

All other branches: Joint Service Transcript (JST)

In addition, at the advisor’s request we will articulate elective credit. The Registrar’s Office must have on file the student’s official JST (Joint Service Transcript) to enter the approved hours into record. Grades would be recorded as credit.

Validation Examinations (through departmental exam)

If Missouri Southern refuses to accept a student’s earned credit in a course because of the method in which the course was taken or because the institution at which the course was taken was not accredited, the student may apply for a validation examination. In order to qualify for a validation examination a student must:

  1. be enrolled at Missouri Southern State University at the time the examination is taken;
  2. present the necessary evidence to prove that the course was taken;
  3. get approval from the school dean and the chair of the department in which the course is offered; and
  4. initiate the proceedings within the first eight weeks after entering the University.

The student initiates the request for examination at the academic department. The school dean and the department chair will appoint a professor to construct, administer and evaluate the examination. The result is reported to the Registrar who records the credit if the scale is ‘C’ or above and carry the grade of ‘CR’.

Retro Credit Policy

Missouri Southern will award retro-credit for certain qualifying subjects. The credit granted will be based on applicability and will carry the grade of “CR”. Students should contact the appropriate academic department to inquire about courses that qualify. Maximum allowable credits vary by department.

Pathways to Healthcare Bachelor’s Degree Credit

Baccalaureate seeking students in the College of Health, Life Sciences, and Education programs - Health Science Dental Hygiene (HS01), Health Science Radiological Technology (HS02), Health Science Respiratory Therapy (HS03), Health Science Paramedic (HS06), and RN to BSN Completion program (NU02) -  are eligible for credit transcription based upon state certification. Credits are typically awarded in the final term of attendance at MSSU. Students must be accepted into the applicable program to be eligible. Students work with the appropriate academic department to determine credit articulation. .

Prior Learning Assessment

Alternative credit hours may be earned for career and professional experiences that are documented through license, certification, or the portfolio process. The availability of credit depends on the relevance of the students’ experiences to their major as determined by the department and the college dean. The earned credits will carry a grade of “CR”. For students using a license or certification for college credit, there is a $30 application fee. For students using the portfolio process, there is a $50 application fee and a charge of $60 per credit hour.

For additional information please visit Prior Learning Assessment ( or contact Adult Degree Completion at or 417-625-9521.

Time Limit on Degree Credit

Credits over twelve (12) years old at the time of application for graduation may not applicable to a degree. Such credits may be subject to validation, at the discretion of the college/department involved, before they can be used to satisfy degree requirements.


Degree Requirements

Catalog Time Limit

A candidate for a degree may use, as a basis for degree requirements, the general catalog issued for any year following the date of the candidate’s first completed registration at MSSU provided it is not more than six years prior to the date the degree is to be conferred. The candidate must have been in residence at MSSU and earned credit during the year of the catalog selected.

Transfer Student: The MSSU catalog in effect at the time of the transfer student’s initial enrollment in the sending institution (transfer school), will govern the transfer student’s degree requirements. The catalog used may not be dated more than six years prior to the date the degree is to be conferred. The transfer student must have been enrolled in a previous school and earned credit during the year of the catalog selected.

Developmental Courses

Occasionally, scores obtained from the placement tests indicate a student may not be successful in college. The university reserves the right to require these students to take developmental courses in mathematics, composition, study skills or intensive English prior to participation in regular college level classes. Courses below the 100 level are not applicable to the baccalaureate degree and are excluded in honors calculations and calculation of the standards of progress toward graduation.

Course Numbers and Levels

Course Numbers:  
0 - 99 Not applicable toward the Baccalaureate Degree
100-299 Lower Division
300-499 Upper Division
500-700 Graduate

Immediately following each course title is a letter abbreviation of the semester in which the course is usually offered. Students and faculty should use this as a guide in considering future enrollment. However, this should not be interpreted as a contract. Missouri Southern reserves the right to deviate from this commitment when enrollment or other factors dictate.

Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

  1. Residence: The following minimum requirements must be met in residence at Missouri Southern: (1) 30 hours completed with MSSU; (2) one-half of the credit both required for the major and in the major department. Courses required for the major but not offered in the major department are not included; (3) one-half of the upper division credit both required for the major and in the major department.
  2. Credit Hours: At least 120 semester hours of college credit applicable to a Baccalaureate Degree are required for graduation.
  3. Grade Point Average (GPA): The following minimum cumulative GPAs are required for all Baccalaureate degrees, some programs require a higher GPA. The GPA excludes not applicable to Baccalaureate Degree (NABD) courses:
  1. a 2.0 GPA for all credit hours attempted;
  2. a 2.0 GPA for all the courses required for the major, both inside and outside the major department;
  3. a 2.0 GPA for all courses, required and elective, taken in the major department.

The following minimum GPAs are required for the Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE): updated for fall 2024

  1. a 3.00 GPA or above in professional education (EDUC) and content area (9-12, K-12) courses;
  2. a grade of “C” or better in professional education courses (EDUC) and other academic courses required for elementary education, special education and early childhood.
  1. Upper Division Hours: A minimum of 39 semester hours of courses numbered 300-499 must be completed.  Transfer courses will be granted lower or upper division attributes based on how the course was originally taken. Credits from two-year colleges will be accepted for lower-level credit only. Students may receive course credit for a 300 or 400 level course, but the credit will not count toward the upper division credit required for a baccalaureate degree.
  2. Modern Language: All students expecting to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree must successfully complete 10-12 hours of the same foreign language.
  3. Writing: Students will complete the writing goals established by the faculty in their selected major. Students graduating with the Bachelor of General Studies degree or the Bachelor of Applied Science degree will be required to complete one course beyond ENG 0101  and ENG 0102  from the list  of approved courses with a significant writing component.
  4. General Education Curriculum Requirements: Missouri Southern has a general education requirement curriculum program that contributes toward the development of the whole person, as an individual and as a member of society. Transfer students should refer to the Transfer Student section of the catalog regarding the General Education requirements. Click here  to see Baccalaureate Degree General Education Curriculum Requirements.
  5. University Experience: A university experience course (UE 100) is required for all Missouri Southern degree-seeking students. UE 100 is also required for transfer students with fewer than 30 credit hours who have not completed an orientation course. Dual credit and credit-in-escrow are excluded. Honors students substitute HNRS 101, MKEAP students substitute BIO 100, and IET students substitute IET 105.
  6. Civics Exam: Section 170.013 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri states that any student entering a public institution of higher education for the first time after July 2019 who is pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from such institution shall successfully pass an examination on the provisions and principles of America civics with a score of seventy percent or greater as a condition of graduation from such institution. The examination shall be known as the “Missouri Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination”. At Missouri Southern State University, this requirement shall be applicable to all first-time degree seeking freshmen, including dual credit students, pursuing an associate or bachelor degree. Students exempted from this exam are transfer students, non-degree seeking students, and students seeking only a certificate. Civics Exam FAQs  
  7. A student may not graduate with a course that has an IN (Incomplete), IP (In-Progress), or NO grade issued.

Core 42

In compliance with Senate Bill 997 established the Higher Education Core Transfer Curriculum Act (Sections 178.785-789 RSMo), which directs the Coordinating Board for Higher Education to develop a standard core transfer curriculum and a common course numbering equivalency matrix for lower-division general education courses. The core transfer curriculum, known as CORE 42, is a framework for general education that all Missouri public two-and four-year institutions of higher education adopted effective for the 2018-2019 academic year. The goal of the CORE 42 is to facilitate the seamless transfer of academic credits. The completion of the CORE 42 at any public institution of higher education will transfer to every other public institution of higher education in the state and substitute for the receiving institution’s general education requirement. Individual courses that comprise the CORE 42 are guaranteed to transfer one-to-one among all public (and participating independent) colleges and universities in Missouri.

The framework for Missouri’s CORE 42 is designed for students to obtain the basic competencies of Valuing, Managing Information, Communicating, and Higher-Order Thinking through the completion of at least 42-semester hours distributed across the broad Knowledge Areas of Communications, Humanities & Fine Arts, Natural & Mathematical Sciences, and Social & Behavioral Sciences. Students obtain the competencies through completion of the CORE 42 in its entirety.

298-498 Classes

Classes numbered 298 or 498 may not be counted toward General Education Requirements credit.


All students will be required to declare their degree sought, their major, their status and whether they will attend half-time or full-time. A major provides in-depth study of a discipline and prepares the student for a career or advanced study. Advisors are assigned within the academic department according to major. Students may apply for more than one degree, excluding the Bachelor of General Studies, provided the major differs.

Academic Minor

Select departments have developed an academic minor that in conjunction with the MSSU baccalaureate major strengthens the student’s career preparation. A minor requires at least 18 semester hours of prescribed courses. At least six semester hours must be upper division and at least nine semester hours must be in residence. The overall GPA requirement is 2.0. A student may not earn a minor in the same subject area as a certificate or major. Minors should be declared as early as possible but may be added at any time, including after a baccalaureate degree from MSSU has been earned. Applications to add a minor after a degree has been earned are available through the Office of the Registrar.


Multiple academic departments offer specialized certificates that focus on a specific area relevant to today’s workforce.  These certificates are open to all students and can be earned as stand-alone or in conjunction with a degree program.  A certificate requires at least 9 credit hours, which does not include prerequisites for required courses.

A Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) Degree

The Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) is an alternative for students who do not wish to pursue an existing major. Two versions of the BGS are available. The General BGS requires that a student complete all General Education Requirements and other degree requirements. To pursue this option the student should consult with an advisor and declare the BGS as a major. The Directed BGS also requires that a student complete all General Education Requirements and other degree requirements including upper division. Additionally, a committee of faculty works with the student to combine courses from several areas to create a distinctive program. To pursue this option the student should declare the BGS as a major and consult with the dean of the college most closely associated with the course work. The dean will appoint a faculty committee to help the student structure the Directed BGS.

Students with prior baccalaureate degrees from MSSU are not eligible to apply for a BGS.

Associate Degree

Click here  to see Associate Degree General Education Curriculum Requirements.

General education curriculum courses required for the Associate of Science degree typically do not completely fulfill the general education curriculum requirements for the Baccalaureate Degree.


  1. Graduation Requirements: The responsibility for satisfying all requirements for a degree rests with the student. Advisors, faculty members and administrators offer help to the student in meeting this responsibility.
  2. Time of Graduation: A student may complete graduation requirements at the close of any semester. Formal commencement exercises are held and degrees are conferred at the close of the fall and spring semesters. Students who will complete graduation requirements at the close of summer semester may participate in spring commencement exercises.
  3. Graduation Application Procedure: Students intending to graduate with any credentials (Certificates, Associates, Bachelors, Masters) have to submit their application to graduate through Lionet within the published timelines.

Fall Graduation term deadlines

  • April 15 - Complete and submit your application to graduate on Lionet.
  • May 15 - Advisor deadline to submit Graduation Checklist to the Office of the Registrar.

Spring and Summer Graduation term deadlines

  • November 1 - Complete and submit your electronic application to graduate on Lionet.
  • December 1 - Advisor deadline to submit Graduation Checklist to the Office of the Registrar

Students who miss submitting their application through Lionet and former students not enrolled but have the requirements to graduate will have to contact the Office of the Registrar for a paper copy submission.

Full details of graduation application process and graduation application process fee is posted on the Office of the Registrar website

  1. Senior Assessment: Graduating seniors may be required to complete a general education curriculum and a departmental exit assessment before the baccalaureate degree is awarded.

State Legislation Requirements

Section 170.011 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri,2015, prescribe that all candidates for a degree issued by the colleges and universities of Missouri must have “successfully passed an examination of the United States Constitution and in American history and American institutions required hereby as a condition precedent to his graduation from the college or university.”

Section 170.013 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2018, prescribe that any student entering a public institution of higher education for the first time after July 2019 who is pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from such institution shall successfully pass an examination on the provisions and principles of American civics with a score of seventy percent or greater as a condition of graduation from such institution. The examination shall be known as the “Missouri Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination”.

All students who have completed the general education curriculum requirements with courses taken at Missouri Southern meet the requirements of Missouri law.

School Laws of Missouri, 1974, require that persons cannot be granted a certificate or license to teach in the public schools of Missouri unless they have satisfactorily completed a course of two or more semester hours in the psychology or education of the exceptional child. This requirement can be met by taking EDUC 0302  or EDUC 0304 .

General Regulations

Classification of Students

  1. By Class:
  Freshman: 0-29 Hours
  Sophomore: 30-59 Hours
  Junior: 60-89 Hours
  Senior: 90 and above
  Special Admission: See Special Admission  
  1. Postgraduate:

Persons having completed a Baccalaureate Degree but taking courses for the purpose of teacher certification, job preparation and additional degree or personal profit.

  1. Full-time:

A student enrolled for 12 or more semester hours.

  1. Half-time:

A student enrolled in 6-11 semester hours.

  1. Less Than Half-time:

A student enrolled in fewer than 6 semester hours.

Concurrent Enrollment

A student who is enrolled in residence at Missouri Southern and who desires to earn credit concurrently at another institution or through correspondence, extension or advanced standing examination must secure advanced approval from a college dean. Financial aid recipients should contact the Financial Aid Office.

Combined Degree Programs

Missouri Southern State University has established a combined degree program for Medical Laboratory Science. Specific requirements for this program are included in the program descriptions. Combined degree programs operate under the following regulations:

  1. Complete 94 hours at Missouri Southern State University. Transfer credit will be considered, but the last 30 of the 94 hours must be earned at MSSU.
  2. The 94 hours must include the completion of the General Education Requirement Curriculum requirement.
  3. Sixteen out of the last 94 hours must be upper division (300 and 400 level courses).
  4. All applicable “Requirements for Graduation” as stated in the Missouri Southern State University catalog must be met including the application for degree candidacy and the filing of credentials with the Career Services Office.
  5. A transcript from the institution with which a combined degree agreement is arranged must be provided in order to complete the requirements for a degree.

Subsequent Baccalaureate Degree(s)

A student may receive a subsequent Baccalaureate Degree after completing the first degree and all the requirements of the subsequent degree. The residency rules apply. See item A-I under Baccalaureate Degree requirements. Students interested in applying for federal aid towards a second degree should contact the Financial Aid office for eligibility rules. updated for 2024-25 AY

Transcript Below “C” Average

Students who are accepted with a below ‘C’ transcript and who are below the minimum standards for progress will be placed on Academic Probation. Missouri Southern transfers all grades from any equally accredited institution including both ”D’s” and “F’s”.

Maximum Credit Hour Load

To enroll in more than 18 semester hours during a semester or in more than nine hours during a summer session, a student, with the exception of music majors, must obtain prior written permission from the college dean. Music majors may carry as many as 20 semester hours without permission from their dean. Honors Program students may carry as many credits as approved by the Honors Program Director.

Late Enrollment

Enrollment in a regular semester after the first week of classes or after the third day of classes in the summer session is not advisable and is permitted only with special permission from the appropriate department chair and instructor (for each class). Students must pre-pay for these classes prior to enrollment. Any student enrolling after classes begin will pay a late enrollment charge.

Adding Courses - Special Registration

A student may add a course in the appropriate department office, but only upon the approval of an advisor. A charge will be assessed each time a student changes the program not at the request of the University. No course may be added after the first week of classes in a regular semester or after the third day of classes in the summer session without special permission. No courses shall be added after the conclusion of special registration.

Enrollment Confirmation

For each semester a student is enrolled they are required to complete the Enrollment Confirmation on LioNet to accept their enrolled courses and the associated financial charges. Students who don’t confirm their enrollment in LioNet may be dropped; however, before being dropped the Office of the Registrar will attempt to reach student through their MSSU email and a phone call to the number we have for them on file. 

Timelines to confirm enrollment are:

  • Fall Semester: August 1st through the eleventh (11th) day of the semester.
  • Spring semester: January 1st through the eleventh (11th) day of the semester.
  • Summer: May 1st through the fifth (5th) day of the June 8-week session of the semester.

Instructor Drop for Non-attendance and Non-participation in Online Classes

Instructors are required to cross off the names of students on the class roster of students who don’t attend or participate in online classes the first two weeks of full-term courses or first week of part of term classes. Cancelled rosters are to be turned to the Office of the Registrar by 10 a.m. on the Thursday of the 2nd week of school and 10 a.m. of the Monday of the 2nd week of class for part of term classes. Students whose names are crossed off the roster will be dropped by the Office of the Registrar.     Regardless, it is ultimately the students’ responsibility to properly withdraw from classes.

Re-enrollment and Enrollment After Full Tuition Refund Deadline

1. Students who are dropped due to class roster cancellation for non-attendance/participation may be re-enrolled within one week after the full refund deadline of the applicable part-of-term schedule upon the approval of the instructor and Bursar’s office using the Re-enrollment form.

2. Students requesting new enrollment into classes after the full refund will need the approval of the instructor, Department Chair of the course and Bursar’s office. The Department Chair may consult the instructor and advisor in making the decision. Both processes start in Office of the Registrar. If approved, the Office of the Registrar will enroll the student.

Process: Students must pick up the appropriate forms from the Office of the Registrar in Hearnes hall and gather the appropriate signatures including the instructor of the class and the Bursar’s Office. The completed form should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for re-enrollment into the classes. Students must obtain instructor approval for each class before the application can be processed. Students in online classes may email the office of the Registrar at for the form. 

Student Course Withdrawal Policy

Students who wish to drop a class or all their classes must follow the appropriate steps to drop the class or classes. Students who do not follow the appropriate official steps to drop or withdraw a class or classes will be responsible for applicable tuition and fees.

Course withdrawals must be initiated by the student enrolled in the class. 


Students may withdraw from one or more classes after the full refund deadline for a grade of ‘W’. A “W” grade has no impact on semester or cumulative GPA. However, the credit hours will still be included in the calculated attempted hours for the semester and overall credits.

Students who are withdrawn from a class are no longer permitted to attend the class or have access to associated Blackboard site.

A student who leaves school without officially withdrawing will receive grades of ‘F’ in all courses.

Any applicable tuition refund will be based on the date the withdrawal form is received by the Office of the Registrar or Financial Aid office as applicable.

Deadline for Single/Complete Withdrawal: Deadline for single or complete withdrawal is the Wednesday of the week prior to when the class is scheduled to end. 

Withdrawal from a single class for full term classes: Prior to the first day of the semester, students may contact their advisor to be dropped from a single class or drop themselves through LioNet if they eligible to self-enroll. Beginning the first day of the third week of the semester students may complete the online Single Course Withdrawal form on the Office of the Registrar website or complete the paper form available in the Office of the Registrar. The official date of withdrawal is the date the form is RECEIVED in the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawing from a single class for part-of-term classes: Prior to the first day of the semester, students may contact their advisor to be dropped from a single class or drop themselves through LioNet if they eligible to self-enroll. Beginning the second day of the second week of the class students may complete the online Single Course Withdrawal form on the Office of the Registrar website or complete the paper form in the Office of the Registrar. The official date of withdrawal is the date the form is RECEIVED in the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawal from all classes:  Prior to the first day of the semester the student should contact their advisor to withdraw from their classes or they can withdraw their classes through LioNet, if eligible to do so. Beginning the first day of the semester students who wish to withdraw from all their classes must see the university Financial Aid Counselor, Hearnes Hall. After the deadline for full refund of charges deadline, Federal financial aid recipients who withdraw from all classes will automatically be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. The official date of withdrawal is the date the Complete Withdrawal form is RECEIVED in the Financial Aid office.

Military Withdrawal Policy

Persons involuntarily called to active duty in any branch of the military services of the United States while enrolled as students at Missouri Southern State University will be released from their academic responsibilities without penalty. The following options are available:

  1. Complete Withdrawal: A student called to active duty may request to be withdrawn from all classes and receive a full refund of tuition paid for class enrollment. Students selecting this option will follow the normal process for a Complete Withdrawal from the University. A copy of their orders must be submitted along with the Total Withdrawal form to receive a refund.
  2. Incomplete Grade: A student called to active duty may contact course instructors to explore the option of receiving an “IN” (incomplete) grade for the course. The normal procedures for an incomplete grade will apply. The approval of this option is left to the discretion of each individual instructor.
  3. Single Course Withdrawal: A student called to active duty may request to be withdrawn from a single course past the normal published deadlines so long as the active duty orders were not received prior to the published deadline. Students are to complete the Single Course Withdrawal form. The military orders must be submitted along with the Single Course Withdrawal form to receive a tuition refund.
  4. Transfer to an On-line Course: A student called to active duty may request to be transferred to an on-line version of the same course if available and acceptable by the instructor of the on-line course. Additional on-line charges will be applicable. Students must contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.

Students called to active duty and provide the appropriate military orders documentation will have the following transcript notation: “Called to Active Duty” applied to that term. Room and Board: The refund of charges paid for room & board will be pro-rated. Students must contact Residential Life for assistance. Special Course Charges: The majority of these charges are not refundable.

The intention of the policy is to ensure that, based on recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education and the American Council on Education, no service member suffer a loss of funds or educational opportunity because they were called to serve.

Class Attendance

Faculty members are encouraged to keep records of attendance in all regularly scheduled courses at Missouri Southern. The primary objective of student and professor is the student’s attainment of course goals. It is recognized that students who achieve those objectives are normally those who attend class or participate online regularly. The professor, when giving a final semester grade, bases his/her evaluation on how well the student has achieved the course goals.

For financial aid purposes, if a student misses any class for ten (10) consecutive working days or does not participate in an online class, the faculty member will submit The Last Date of Attendance form to the Office of the Registrar. Online forms are available on LioNet.

Students who miss a class do so at their own risk and must assume the responsibility for work missed because of class absences. Professors are willing to assist students whose absences are caused by valid illnesses, University approved activities and extenuating circumstances. The professor may require whatever evidence is needed to support the reason for absence.

The attendance record is significant to the total record and is useful in guidance and counseling. When absences are excessive, the professor will report the fact to Student Affairs and they will in turn counsel with the student. Any student earning a grade of “F” must have the last date of attendance recorded on the Grade Roster. All students who stop attending class or participating in an online class should also have the last date of attendance recorded on the Grade Roster.

Students should be aware that absence from class invariably has a built-in penalty of lower academic achievement. Excessive absences usually result in failure to achieve the course goals.

Transcript Dispute Policy

Students with a dispute on their academic transcript shall be granted one year from the end of the term in which the notation appears, to submit a written appeal regarding the notation in question. Appeals may be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

Grades and Grading Policies

Grading System

A student’s grade is officially recorded by letter. At Missouri Southern, the following grades and their numerical equivalents are used:

Grade   Grade Points
A Outstanding 4
B Above Average 3
C Average 2
D Minimum Passing 1
F Failing 0
W Withdrawal  

The current policy for the ‘W’ grade is as follows:

  1. Course drops will be permitted through the second week for full-term courses and the first two days for part-of-term courses of the semester without any grade recorded.
  2. Grades for courses dropped during the single/complete withdrawal period of the semester will be indicated with a ‘W’ grade posted to the student record
  3. Course drops are not permitted after the single/complete withdrawal deadline for each published regular or related part-of-term for each semester. A student who stops attending class without officially withdrawing is in jeopardy of receiving an ‘F’ in the course.
  4. A student who completely withdraws from the University prior to the last date for complete withdrawal in a semester may receive a grade of ‘W’ in all courses in which the student is enrolled.

Credit/No-Credit System of Grading

Students in some programs may register to take certain courses on a credit/no-credit basis. In such cases, “Credit” or “No-Credit” will be recorded rather than a letter grade and these courses will not be counted in GPAs. This program will permit a student to explore course work outside of the major without jeopardizing the GPA. The minimum performance level required to receive credit in a credit/no-credit course is a grade of ‘D.’ Students may be eligible to enroll for certain courses on a credit/no-credit basis under the following conditions:

  1. That such registration be approved by the advisor and the chair of the department through which the course is offered.
  2. That the student has attained sophomore rank or higher (30 or more hours).
  3. That the student has achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.
  4. That such enrollment be limited to one course per semester.
  5. That the total enrollment on a credit/no-credit basis be limited to no more than three courses or 10 credit hours in any student’s degree program.
  6. That the courses involved are not part of the student’s major or minor and are not specifically required as part of the student’s degree program. (Hours beyond the minimum required for the major or minor may be taken on a credit/no-credit basis.)
  7. That the courses involved are not part of the General Education Requirement Curriculum requirement.
  8. Registration for credit/no-credit courses will be completed prior to the final date for changing registration by adding a course.
  9. After a student has enrolled in a course under the credit/no-credit option, that individual may not subsequently change to a graded basis in that course.

This policy does not apply to those courses regularly designated as credit/no-credit courses such as Recital Attendance, Student Teaching and ISEP, Bilateral Exchange and the Missouri London/Greece programs and Life/Work experience.

Incomplete (IN): A grade of ‘IN’ may be recorded by an instructor if a student is unable to complete the work of the course within the semester for a valid reason such as illness, death in the family, an emergency, etc. It is not intended as a substitute for an ‘F’ and does not entitle a student to attend the class during a subsequent semester. Incomplete grades are approved at the sole discretion of the instructor. Students must initiate communication with the instructor prior to the end of the course to discuss the option of an IN grade. Coursework for an incomplete grade must be made up by the last day of class prior to the final’s week of the next semester (excluding summers) or the grade will be converted to an ‘F’ automatically; however, instructors set the specific date the coursework is due to them. Both credit and grade points for that course are suspended until the incomplete is converted to either a passing grade or an ‘F’. A student will not be able to graduate with an incomplete grade on their transcript.

In Progress (IP):

A grade of ‘IP’ will be recorded by an instructor in a situation in which a student is unable to complete the work of the course within the semester for a valid non-emergency reason, such as a research project or internship that overlaps two semesters. It is not intended as a substitute for an ‘F’ and does not entitle a student to attend the class during a subsequent semester. In Progress grades are approved at the sole discretion of the instructor. Students must initiate communication with the instructor prior to the end of the course to discuss the option of an IP grade. Coursework for an ‘IP’ must be made up by the last day of class prior to the final’s week of the next semester (excluding summers) or it will be converted to an ‘F’ automatically; however, instructors set the specific date the coursework is due to them. Both credit and grade points for that course are suspended until the ‘IP’ is converted to either a passing grade or an ‘F’. BSE majors will not be able to begin student teaching if an ‘IP’ grade is in force. A student will not be able to graduate with an ‘IP’ grade on their transcript. 

No Grade Assigned (NO): A grade of ‘NO’ will be substituted if the instructor does not assign a grade to the student by the grading deadline. A grade should not be left blank as a substitute for an ‘F’ and does not entitle a student to attend the class during a subsequent semester. A grade of ‘NO’ must be corrected or updated by the last day of class prior to the final’s week of the next semester (excluding summers) or it will be converted to an ‘F’ automatically. Both credit and grade points for that course are suspended until the ‘NO’ grade is converted to either a passing grade or an ‘F’. A student may not graduate with a grade of ‘NO’.

Audit (AU): A student may request to audit a class for no grade and no credit. A Request to Audit must be filed in the Office of the Registrar by the end of the 100% tuition refund deadline for the class. No change from audit to credit or from credit to audit is permitted after the 100% tuition refund deadline for the class. Acceptable performance, attitude and attendance as determined by the professor are expected. Regular charges and enrollment procedures are required. An audit means only that a student registered for the class. It does not imply any level of proficiency or knowledge. updated for fall 2024

Change of Grade: A change is initiated by the faculty member by filing an Electronic Change of Grade form. No change of grade is to be made without good cause. Exceptional cases will be reviewed by the college dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Change of grades must be submitted within one year.

Student Final Grade Appeal: Final course grades are calculated and assigned by the instructor teaching the course according to the grading criteria on the syllabus or any adjustments made by the instructor. Once a student’s final grade has been officially recorded by the Registrar, the instructor may submit a change of grade to update an Incomplete, In-Progress, NO grade, entry error, or instructor correction. A student may appeal a final grade entry if they believe an error was made on the instructor’s part.

Requests for a change of final grade must be made within 10 business days of when the final grade was awarded and must be accompanied with all supporting or relevant documents.

  1. All final-grade appeals must be submitted by the student in writing first to the course instructor.
  2. If a resolution is not achieved with the instructor or the instructor does not respond within 10 business days when classes are in session, the written appeal may be submitted to the Department Chair of the course.
  3. Failing resolution with the Department Chair, the student may submit an Academic Petition to the Dean of the College, or designee, in which the course resides.
  4. The Dean’s decision may be appealed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost. The decision of the VPAA is final.

Independent Study: Independent study courses are special courses which may be taken by students at the discretion of the faculty advisor and the appropriate college officials. These courses are designed for the individual who desires to explore a topic more completely than can be done in a regular course offering. Students may enroll in independent study courses for a total of three hours for the associate degree and a total of twelve (12) hours for the baccalaureate degree providing they:

  1. have completed:

30 hours toward the Associate Degree
90 hours toward the Baccalaureate Degree

  1. have a minimum cumulative 3.00 GPA;
  2. have permission of the advisor, department chair and the school dean in the area of independent study.

Midterm Grades: Mid-term grades support Missouri Southern State University’s commitment to student success. Mid-term grades are indicators of a student’s progress. Mid-term grades are informational only and to be used only as a gauge of current progress in a specific class. Mid-term grades will not appear on or become part of the student’s permanent academic transcript. Mid-term grades are only provided for 16-week courses and are considered an advising tool. Students with “D” or “F” grades are advised of poor academic performance and provided with the tools to make an informed decision about how to improve their grades. Mid-term grades are not recorded on official student transcripts.

Mid-term grades are reported to students through the university’s LioNet portal.

Mid-Term Grade Codes 1-4

  1. Poor attendance
  2. Poor performance on assignments
  3. Poor performance on assignments/exams and low attendance
  4. Recommend withdrawal from the class

Posting of Grades: Public posting of a student’s name and grade or student number and grade, without the student’s approval, is a violation of the Buckley Amendment (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, FERPA) which does not allow disclosure of recorded data or information without the individual’s written consent.

Official Transcript: 

An “Official transcript” is typically marked as such and carries security enhancements and the institution’s seal and Registrar’s signature. Official transcript is sent directly from the one institution to another and must be delivered to the receiving institution electronically or in a sealed envelope.  

Missouri Southern State University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to process official transcript requests. Official transcripts may not be issued if there is a hold on your student account due to an outstanding financial obligation owed to the institution.

Official transcripts ae issued at a fee as posted on the Transcript Request webpage. The fee can be paid using any major credit or debit card. Charges will only be applied after the transcript has been processed and sent. You will have the option of choosing the delivery method of your official transcript either to be sent electronically or through the USPS. Official transcripts sent through the mail to a home address or other location will be sealed in an envelope with stamps across the seal. For mailed transcripts to be official, the transcript should remain in the sealed envelope and delivered to the intended recipient. A transcript in an opened envelope with a broken seal is no longer considered an official transcript. The Office of the Registrar recommends sending transcript(s) directly to the intended recipient(s).

Note that some institutions may have a specific preferred way of receiving transcripts.

The National Student Clearinghouse Ordering Center provides specific instructions on the official transcript ordering process.

Unofficial Transcript Request:

An unofficial transcript is printed from a student portal, or delivered opened, has little security, may be marked as unofficial and is commonly issued to a student.

Unofficial transcripts are available to currently enrolled students through Lionet.

Former students without access to Lionet should submit a request to the Office of the Registrar for an unofficial transcript. Unofficial transcript may be picked from The Office of the Registrar in Hearnes Hall 101. Unofficial transcripts will only be emailed to a personal email address after completing the required transcript release form.

The Office of the Registrar requires a valid state issued ID before issuing unofficial. 

Full details on ordering process for both official and unofficial transcript are published on the Transcript Request webpage.

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity MSSU is committed to academic integrity and expects all members of the University community to accept shared responsibility for maintaining academic integrity. Academic work is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented is the student’s own, unless designated otherwise. Submitting work that is not one’s own is unacceptable and is considered a serious violation of university policy. Cheating is a serious offense that invalidates the purpose of a university education. Any student who takes credit for the work of another person, offers, or accepts assistance beyond that allowed by an instructor, or uses unauthorized sources for a test or assignment is cheating. Students must be conscious of their responsibilities as scholars, to learn to discern what is included in plagiarism, as well as, in other breaches of the Student Handbook, and must know and practice the specifications for citations in scholarly work. When dealing with cases of academic dishonesty, the course instructor may choose to use the campus judicial system. This includes filing an incident report with the Office of Student Conduct, who may act on the report by issuing a written warning or by recommending disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion. Penalties for academic dishonesty may include a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in the course, or any other course-related sanction the instructor determines to be appropriate.


Institutional Effectiveness

Betsy Wood
Webster Hall 320 • 417-659-4379

Our Mission

The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to assist campus stakeholders in acquiring and using institutional data and findings from learning outcomes assessment to make informed decisions in fulfillment of the University’s Strategic Plan.

Activities of Institutional Effectiveness (IE)

Missouri Southern is committed to measuring outcomes of curricular and co-curricular programs. Both the General Education/Core 42 Requirements and Academic Program outcomes are assessed by faculty and staff and reviewed by the Program Review and Assessment Committee. Federal, state and local reports of institutional data are prepared and archived by the IE staff. Analytical and descriptive reports are generated to aid stakeholders in data informed decision making. Quantitative and qualitative data are compiled in order to help evaluate the effectiveness of academic and non-academic programs.

Distance Learning

Scott Snell
Webster Hall 109 • 417-623-3188


Missouri Southern’s Department of Distance Learning exists to support online students and faculty with online classes in highly engaging and interactive online learning environments. Offering instructional design and multimedia production that is consistently perceived as professional, knowledgeable and up-to-date, this department helps facilitate high quality and satisfactory learning experiences for students seeking flexible access or degree completion in selected undergraduate and graduate programs.

Quality Assurance

The Department of Distance Learning and online faculty at Missouri Southern take great pride in the quality of our online offerings. Each online course is reviewed regularly, helping to ensure a rewarding and worthwhile learning experience for our online students. Look for Distance Learning’s Certified Quality badge in your online course! This badge guarantees your online class has met MSSU quality standards and best practices.

Faculty Dedication

Online faculty at Missouri Southern are dedicated to the success of our online learners. It is the goal of all faculty teaching online at Missouri Southern to provide online students with learning experiences equivalent to those of the campus classroom. To that end, faculty are committed to providing their online students regular and substantive interaction. Online students at Missouri Southern can expect rigorous academic activities, regular communications, timely inquiry responses and grades, and substantive feedback from their instructors.

Online Learning with Blackboard

Students taking online classes at Missouri Southern will enjoy challenging and engaging learning experiences within Blackboard Learn™, our online learning management system (LMS). With an Internet connection and browser, students can read announcements, watch and listen to audio/video presentations, retrieve course documents and handouts, participate in discussions, take exams and quizzes, turn in assignments, and receive feedback from their instructors. Blackboard Learn™ is an industry leader in online learning, providing instructors and students the absolute latest in teaching and learning technologies, providing instructors and students the absolute latest in teaching and learning technologies.

Online Tutoring

Online students at Missouri Southern have complete access to the University Student Success Center.  Online students can forward writing submissions to the Writing Studio for feedback and writing support.  Students can also schedule and join synchronous online tutoring sessions with the Center’s highly trained student tutors.

Online Testing

Assessments in online classes at Missouri Southern can be completed online. Students taking online classes requiring proctored tests, which are tests that must be taken in the physical presence of a testing monitor, will be provided the option of completing such exams online. To take advantage of this option, students will need a reliable internet connection and computer with audio/video capabilities. Students are responsible for a one-time, per-class, per-semester $10.00 charge for this service.  Students also have the option of completing proctored exams at physical testing locations.  There is no charge when using Missouri Southern’s Testing Services Office on campus.

Academic Outreach

Brett Meeker
Webster Hall 116 • 417-625-9785


The mission of the MSSU Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Program, in collaboration with area high schools, is to provide geographically feasible and affordable access to quality university-level undergraduate education to high-performing high school students in order to enrich the high school educational experience as well as foster a smooth transition from high school to a four-year university.

Student Eligibility

Student eligibility information is available through the Missouri Department of Higher Education website. Please visit for the most up-to-date student eligibility information.

Dual Credit

Dual credit enables qualified high school students to take University-level courses taught by qualified high school instructors. Students simultaneously receive academic credit for the course from both the high school and MSSU.

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment enables qualified high school students to take University-level courses taught by an MSSU faculty member while simultaneously enrolled in the high school and MSSU. Credit is typically only awarded at the university level; however, students may be eligible to earn high school credit for such courses with approval from the high school district.


Honors Program

Dr. Michael Howarth
Spiva Library 120 • 417-625-3005

The Honors Program at Missouri Southern State University is a specially-designed academic pathway exclusively for high-achieving students. Honors students have the advantage of a distinguished learning environment, enhanced resources, a strong community to support them, and special recognition designed to help them succeed academically.


The Honors Program serves Missouri Southern State University by educating and graduating knowledgeable, responsible, successful global citizens by fostering a strong commitment to international education and the liberal arts through experiential learning and rigorous engagement in interdisciplinary studies.


The Honors Program will be recognized as a leader in academic excellence by both the University and the community and will serve as a model by which to prepare its students for productive careers and lifelong learning through fulfillment of the University’s mission and values.


Intellectual Curiosity: The Honors Program promotes interest leading to inquiry, the pursuit of diverse knowledge and a respect for varied ways of learning.

Community: The Honors Program fosters personal, supportive contact between and among its students and faculty while encouraging students to participate in all aspects of campus life.

Student-Centered Learning: The Honors Program provides challenging, active learning opportunities in all areas of the curriculum.

Critical Thinking: The Honors Program provides students with experience in objectively analyzing and interpreting information, opinions and beliefs.

Scholarship: The Honors Program promotes academic excellence in all areas, with an emphasis on scholarly research.

Service Learning: The Honors Program facilitates the maturation of students as citizen leaders through service to the community and individual reflection.

International Experience: The Honors Program prepares its students to be global citizens by emphasizing cross-cultural experiences.

Student Support: The Honors Program provides special support to its students to assist them in reaching their personal and professional goals.

Beginning with the first semester of their freshman year, Honors students participate in specially-designated Honors classes. Because admission is selective and competitive, these classes are smaller and often involve more active learning than regular classes, permitting Honors students greater and more intensive interaction with their instructors and other outstanding students.

Honors students also enjoy intensive guidance and personal attention from the Honors Director and from distinguished faculty in their area of study. Independent studies and the Senior Portfolio project provide students and faculty with the flexibility they need to pursue scholarly interests and to design and implement innovative, creative approaches to learning.

Performance expectations are high. Honors students are held to the highest standards of academic performance, but are not in competition with one another. Instead, an atmosphere of openness, cooperation and intellectual adventure enables Honors students to inspire and challenge one another to the highest levels of achievement.


While students will take courses offered in Southern’s regular curriculum, the following features are specifically designed for Honors students:

Honors Forum: An interdisciplinary course that introduces students to the principles and practices of scholarly inquiry and active learning. Students read a variety of texts concerning personal and academic challenges inherent in a college environment.

Service Learning: Honors students experience firsthand the value and challenge of community service as they simultaneously participate in and analyze the culture of a local service institution.

Research Seminar: This course addresses the fundamental elements of research design and execution. The course covers an array of methodologies and explores the skills employed in conducting research, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods strategies.

Senior Portfolio: Students edit and revise their portfolio projects, selecting texts to showcase, composing personal reflection statements, and discussing the impact that the Honors Program has made on their intellectual, personal, and ethical development.

Honors Recognition

Missouri Southern is affiliated with the National Collegiate Honors Council and The Great Plains Regional Honors Council. Most Honors students have the opportunity to participate in the activities of these organizations.

Every Honors course completed with a final grade of ‘A’ or ‘B’ is identified as an Honors course on the student’s transcript. Students who maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.3, complete the required 18-20 hours of Honors courses and demonstrate acceptable progress in Honors will receive special recognition at commencement.

The Walter and Frederica Evans Scholarships

The Walter and Frederica Evans Scholarship is available to students who have been accepted into the Honors Program. It is awarded to the most highly qualified applicants as funds allow.

The Evans Scholarship is Southern’s most valuable institutional academic award, and Honors students who are awarded this scholarship receive $6,500 per academic year ($3,250 per semester). The Evans Scholarship is renewable for up to eight semesters if the student continues to make acceptable academic progress.


All students who wish to participate in the Honors Program must first be admitted to Southern. Incoming freshmen are eligible to apply if they meet one of the following requirements:

  1. Earn an ACT composite score of 28 or above, or an SAT score (CR + M) of 1300 or above.
  2. Rank in the top 10% of their high-school class.
  3. Have a GPA of at least 3.7 (on a 4-point scale) in high-school coursework.

To complete the application process the student must submit an application form, a transcript, and a written personal essay. Outstanding candidates will be invited to an on-campus interview.

Students who have already completed one to four semesters of course work with a GPA of 3.5 at Southern or any other accredited college or university are also invited to apply for admission into the Honors Program, though they may not be eligible for the Evans Scholarship.

Institute of International Studies

Chad Stebbins
Webster Hall, 337A • 417-625-9736


In July 1995, Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan signed into law House Bill No. 442, which directed that Missouri Southern “shall develop such academic support programs and public service activities it deems necessary and appropriate to establish international or global education as a distinctive theme of its mission.” That legislation was enacted as part of Missouri’s “Blueprint for Higher Education,” adopted by the Coordinating Board for Higher Education.

The faculty and administration of Missouri Southern developed over the next year the outline of a comprehensive plan of international education. Included was the establishment of the Institute of International Studies, charged with overseeing the internationalizing of the campus.

Internationalizing the Curriculum

The most distinctive aspect of Missouri Southern’s effort to internationalize the curriculum, and the one with the most tangible effect throughout the campus community, has been the designation of “themed semesters.” Each fall, a particular country or region of the world is selected to become the focus of intensive study. For the fall 2024 semester, we will be featuring Canada. Missouri Southern was one of 13 U.S. colleges and universities included in Internationalizing the Campus 2004: Profiles of Success at Colleges and Universities, a major report published by NAFSA: Association of International Educators, for its themed semesters. The report showcases U.S. colleges and universities that are making innovative, wide-ranging efforts to integrate global approaches to teaching into campus learning.

Study Abroad Programs

Study abroad programs also provide Missouri Southern students with additional opportunities to gain an understanding of other cultures and international issues. While many students travel with faculty on short-term programs, an increasing number are spending an entire semester abroad. Through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), students can pay MSSU tuition and room and board while attending any of 300 universities in 50 countries. MSSU also has a dozen partner universities around the world where students can pay MSSU tuition while renting apartments near the campuses. The Missouri London Program provides students with the opportunity to spend a semester at the University of Roehampton. We offer $1,000 study abroad grants to students going on the short-term trips and $1,250 grants for students spending a semester abroad.

Library (George A. Spiva)

James Capeci
Library Director
Spiva Library 204 • 417.625.9806

The Spiva Library supports the pursuit of lifelong learning of students, faculty, staff, and community members by providing diverse and inclusive resources, services, and spaces; offering a student-focused environment; and fostering collaboration.

Location & Hours

The Library is primarily located on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor of the George A. Spiva Library building. The 1st floor is shared by the University Archives & Special Collections and Honors & Global Leaders. During the fall and spring semesters*, Library hours are:

  • Monday -Thursday 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
  • Friday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Sunday 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm

*Library hours differ during holidays, breaks and summer session. These times do not include 1st floor departments.

Spaces & Equipment

The library offers quiet spaces, conversational areas, and private individual or group study rooms. Study rooms differ in their offerings, but may include white boards, computers, wall screens, or be dedicated testing locations. Rooms can be reserved online through the Library website.

The primary floors of the Library include computer labs with both PCs and Macs available. All computers are wirelessly connected to the computer lab printers. Students can also connect to the printers with their own devices. Specialty software can be found in a computer lab on the 4th floor. Software includes AutoCAD, Minitab, SPSS, and Visual Studio.

Additional equipment available to students include includes scanners, a color copier, microwave, refrigerator, microform readers, and whiteboards.

Books & Resources

Currently enrolled MSSU students automatically have a library account and can access material during academic semesters. With a valid MSSU ID card, students can borrow lendable materials from various collections including academic and non-fiction books; popular and new-release audio, ebook, and print books; streaming videos; Library of Things items such as electronics, cookware, and games; government documents; children’s books and more. All physical material can be searched in the Library’s catalog, located on the Library homepage. Additional print material can be borrowed from the Library’s consortium partners or through InterLibrary Loan. Students can place holds and renew material from their library account, accessible on the Library homepage.

The Library provides access to numerous databases and ejournals that support research and course work. These resources include primary resources, peer-reviewed journals, datasets, and other material not easily accessed outside of academic libraries. The Library’s electronic resources and databases can be searched from the Library homepage or A-Z Database List, a directory of all of the electronic resources to which the library provides access.

Research Assistance

Research and course guides are the perfect place to begin searching for library resources on a particular topic or subject. Librarians have carefully created these guides by compiling library resources for specific courses, subjects, and academic departments.

One-on-one research consultations can be scheduled with our knowledgeable librarians. Sessions are thirty minutes and are tailored to meet students’ specific needs, including general overviews or specialized research for course assignments.

Instructors may schedule instruction sessions, which are designed to provide an overview of the Library’s resources and services that support students and the campus curriculum. Students learn how to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively and ethically. Students can complete a self-guided scavenger hunt at anytime by visiting the main desk on the 3rd floor.

For additional assistance, students can access a library chat box from the Library home page during regular hours or by emailing

Archives and Special Collections

The University Archives and Special Collections Department collects, arranges, preserves, and makes accessible the institutional history of Missouri Southern State University, from its beginnings as Joplin Junior College through the present day. This department also maintains special collections in order to preserve local history. These special collections include mining maps, congressional papers, rare materials, and books relating to local history. Appointments are encouraged to view these collections.


The Library hosts numerous campus and community events including book clubs, health literacy classes, and other activities. Details can be found through the Library websites, MSSU event pages, and social media.


Missouri Southern State University (Main Campus)

3950 E. Newman Road, Joplin Missouri 64801

 (417) 625-9300 Main Campus (417) 625-9378 Admissions

1-866-818-6778 Toll-Free Switchboard

Missouri Southern State University is currently not offering classes at any satellite locations.


Show-Me Gold

The Missouri Army National Guard Officer Leadership Program (SHOW-ME GOLD) will offer citizens of Missouri the opportunity for professional development to become officers in the Missouri Army National Guard. The officer training program will consist of credit-bearing classroom instruction, leadership laboratories, and physical training.

Student participants in the program must satisfy admissions standards of both Missouri Southern State University and the Missouri Army National Guard. Those who qualify for any of Southern’s merit-based scholarships will be eligible to apply those benefits to books, charges, and expenses.

Students will enroll in Southern’s regular academic programs, but also will take credit-bearing military science courses offered through the Missouri Army National Guard and fulfill other additional requirements.

To learn more about the program contact:
Dr. Tim Wilson
Justice Building 126B • Phone: 417-625-9858 • Email:

Writing Program

Each department is responsible for ensuring that their graduating seniors have achieved a level of writing competency needed to perform effectively in their chosen careers. Students will complete the writing goals established by the faculty in their selected major. Students graduating with the Bachelor of General Studies or the Bachelor of Applied Science degree will be required to complete at least one course beyond ENG 0101  and ENG 0102  selected from a list of approved courses.