Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • CHEM 0142 - General Chemistry II

    5 Credit Hours
    Continuation of CHEM 140/141. Emphasis on the dynamics and thermodynamics of chemical processes and on the properties and reactions of analogous groups of cations and anions. Four lectures, one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites:CHEM 0140  and CHEM 0141  with a minimum grade of ‘C’ or permission of instructor and MATH 0140  or higher level Math course.
  • CHEM 0190 - Laboratory in Chemistry

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1-2 Credit Hours
    A lower division laboratory course to be used by students who are transferring chemistry courses without a laboratory to MSSU. This will make the transferred course equivalent to the MSSU course. Class may be repeated for credit as needed.
  • CHEM 0201 - Analytical Chemistry

    Fall 5 Credit Hours
    This is the standard first course in quantitative chemical analysis. The lecture and laboratory include the theory and practice of methods of analysis. While the primary emphasis in this course is on the interpretation of experimental results, other aspects of the analytical process are introduced. Three lectures, two three-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 0142   with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0297 - Introduction to Research in Chemistry

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1-3 Credit Hours
    Introduction to research techniques; laboratory work and literature search under the supervision of an instructor on a chemical research project. Involves laboratory experimentation as well as a written report on a project from any area of chemistry. Open to students having 1) freshman or sophomore standing, 2) the ability to undertake independent work and 3) permission of the instructor. This class may be taken more than once but only six hours or research classes can count toward graduation requirements. Enrollment must be approved by the adviser and the department head.
  • CHEM 0298 - Topics in Chemistry

    Demand 1-5 Credit Hours
    Designed to give instruction in some area of chemistry not covered in other courses. For sophomore level science majors. Prerequisite: CHEM 0201  or permission of instructor.
  • CHEM 0301 - Organic Chemistry I

    Fall, Spring & Summer 5 Credit Hours
    Principles of organic chemistry including nomenclature, structure, sterochemistry, and reactions will be studied by the functional group approach. A brief introduction to organic reaction mechanisms and spectroscopy will be presented. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 0142  with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0302 - Organic Chemistry II

    Fall & Spring 5 Credit Hours
    A continuation of CHEM 0301 . Primary emphasis is on more in-depth study of the properties, nomenclature, synthesis, reactions, and reaction mechanism of both aliphatic and aromatic compounds that were presented in Chemistry 301. The functional group approach is used. Organic spectroscopy is discussed in detail as related to the identification of functional groups and molecular structure. Four lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 0301  with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0350 - Biochemistry I

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Structure and function of proteins (including enzymes), carbohydrates, lipids, membranes, and nucleic acids with emphasis on both chemical and physiological aspects of these compounds. Three lectures per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 0302  with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0352 - Biochemistry II

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Metabolism of biomolecules including carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and nucleotides. The interrelationship of these compounds in living systems will be presented through bioenergetics, reaction pathways, regulatory pathways, and chemical mechanisms. Prerequisite: CHEM 0350  with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0355 - Biochemical Techniques

    Spring 2 Credit Hours
    Fundamental concepts and techniques of the biochemistry laboratory. One 50 minute lecture per week followed by one 3 hour lab. Prerequisite: CHEM 0350  with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0390 - Laboratory in Chemistry

    Demand 1-2 Credit Hours
    An upper division laboratory course to be used by students who are transferring chemistry courses without a laboratory to MSSU. This will make the transferred course equivalent to the MSSU course. Class may be repeated for credit as needed.
  • CHEM 0400 - Elementary Physical Chemistry

    Spring 4 Credit Hours
    A macroscopic approach to the understanding of chemical and physical properties of chemical systems is used. The principles of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics, and their application to aqueous solutions, will be emphasized. Solution equilibria, spectroscopy, and transport processes will also be examined. Three lectures, one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 0142   with a ‘C’ or better and PHYS 0162   or PHYS 0290  with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0402 - Physical Chemistry II

    Fall (Even) 4 Credit Hours
    In the first part of the course, the focus is a microscopic approach to understanding chemical systems. Quantum theory and molecular spectroscopy are emphasized. Then the microscopic approach (quantum theory) is linked to the macroscopic approach (thermodynamics) using statistical mechanics. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 0400  with a grade of “C” or better and PHYS 0290 .
  • CHEM 0422 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    Spring (Even) 4 Credit Hours
    A study of contemporary state of the several bond models in chemistry. A review of the energetics of reactions and coordination theory, followed by the chemistry of the families of the elements in the periodic table. Three lectures and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 0142   and MATH 0250 .
  • CHEM 0427 - Instrumental Analysis

    Spring (Odd) 5 Credit Hours
    Designed to familiarize the student with current instrumentation. The approach is through (1) lectures devoted to a particular type of instrumentation and (2) laboratories designed to give hands-on experience in the working of the instrument. Two lectures and two 3-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: 15 hours of chemistry with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
  • CHEM 0431 - Chem Lab Assistant Practicum

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1-2 Credit Hours
    Supervised practical experience in assisting undergraduate students in laboratory techniques in General, Analytical, or Organic Chemistry. A maximum of 2 hours of credit can be applied toward a degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry. Prerequisite: Advanced standing, successful completion of the course the student wishes to be an assistant in, and permission of instructor of class being assisted.
  • CHEM 0440 - Introduction to Electrochemistry

    Fall (Even) 3 Credit Hours
    This is a beginning course in electrochemistry with an emphasis on applications to battery technology. Three lectures per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 0201 , MATH 0250 .
  • CHEM 0442 - Design and Modeling of Electrochemical Devices

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    The design of electrochemical cells and the impact of designs on the over potential losses in these cells (especially batteries). Matlab modeling will be performed. Prerequisite: CHEM 0142  .
  • CHEM 0444 - Materials and Processing Methods for Electrochemical Devices

    Demand 4 Credit Hours
    This course will provide an overview of materials aspects of advanced batteries and battery systems, focusing on electrode materials, separators and electrolytes. Material properties that influence battery performance characteristics, such as capacity, charge and discharge rates will be reviewed from both practical and theoretical perspectives. Current materials challenges that must be met to further improve battery performance will be discussed. Prerequisites: Junior level standing in Engineering Technology, Physics or Chemistry (MSSU) or Science or Engineering (Missouri S&T).
  • CHEM 0450 - Medicinal Chemistry

    Fall (Odd) 3 Credit Hours
    Fundamental concepts of pharmacology including pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, types of enzyme inhibitors, properties of biological membranes and mechanisms of drug action, including specific examples of commercial drugs, their mode of action and specific biochemical pathways affected by the drug. Three 50-minute lectures per week. Prerequisite: BIO 0210  and CHEM 0301 ; or Prerequisite: or co-requisite CHEM 0350 .
  • CHEM 0490 - Seminar

    Demand 1-3 Credit Hours
    For upper division chemistry majors. Content varies, depending on the student’s needs, from library research to special topics in chemistry. Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of department head.
  • CHEM 0491 - Internship in Chemistry

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1-3 Credit Hours
    In conference with departmental representatives at least six weeks in advance, the student shall elect to work and observe in any area of applied chemistry in which on-the-job experience would be beneficial to the student’s training. Prerequisites, Junior standing in Chemistry with a minimum of 20 hours of chemistry or by permission.
  • CHEM 0496 - Problems in Chemistry

    Fall, Spring & Summer 2 Credit Hours
    A practical research class especially designed for students seeking a Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in chemistry. The class involves laboratory work and a literature search under the supervision of an instructor on a chemical research project. Involves lab experimentation as well as a written report on a project from any area of chemistry. Open to students needing a problems course in chemistry to satisfy Missouri Certification Standards for Secondary Teachers in Chemistry. Students must have a minimum of 20 hours of chemistry and permission of the instructor. Enrollment must be approved by the adviser and the department head.
  • CHEM 0497 - Research in Chemistry

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1-3 Credit Hours
    Independent research techniques; lab work and literature search under the supervision of an instructor on a chemical research project. Involves lab experimentation as well as a written report on a project from any area of chemistry. Open to students having 1) a minimum of 20 hours of chemistry, 2) junior or senior standing, 3) the ability to undertake independent work and 4) permission of the instructor. This course may be taken more than once but only six hours of research classes can count toward graduation requirements. Enrollment must be approved by the adviser and the department head.
  • CHEM 0498 - Advanced Topics in Chemistry

    Demand 1-5 Credit Hours
    Designed to give advanced instruction in some area of chemistry not covered in other courses. For upper division majors. Prerequisites: to be determined by department.
  • CHEM 0499 - Independent Study

    Fall & Spring 1-3 Credit Hours
    Independent investigation techniques; includes a paper on a selected topic with both a critical survey of the chemical literature and results from advanced lab experimentation. Open to students having (1) minimum of 15 hrs. of chemistry, (2) ability to undertake independent work and (3) permission of instructor. Enrollment must be approved by advisor, department head, and school dean.
  • CHEM 0540 - Intro to Electrochemistry

    3 Credit Hours
    This is a beginning course in electrochemistry with an emphasis on applications to battery technology.


  • CHI 0101 - Beginning Chinese I (Mandarin)

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Pronunciation, grammar, elementary conversation, development of basic communicative skills. Prerequisite: None.
  • CHI 0102 - Beginning Chinese II (Mandarin)

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    A continuation of CHI 0101 . Pronunciation, grammar, elementary conversation. Prerequisite: CHI 0101  or equivalent level of proficiency.
  • CHI 0103 - Survival Chinese

    5 Credit Hours
     Introductory course that covers the very basics of spoken Chinese, Chinese customs, culture, and social behaviors. The course will introduce topics that help students develop practical communication skills needed in an authentic Chinese speaking environment. Grammar and structural patterns will be briefly touched upon whenever necessary. This course fulfills the modern language requirements for Bachelor of Arts if taken together with or in addition to Survival Japanese. Prerequisite: none.
  • CHI 0203 - Intermediate Chinese I (Mandarin)

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Systematic development of communicative skills in Chinese. Development of vocabulary. Drill in aural/oral skills. Prerequisite: CHI 0102  or equivalent level of proficiency.
  • CHI 0204 - Intermediate Chinese II (Mandarin)

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    A continuation of CHI 0203 . Further systematic development of communicative skills in Chinese. Development of vocabulary. Drill in aural/oral skills. Prerequisite: CHI 0203  or equivalent level of proficiency.
  • CHI 0298 - Topics in Chinese

    Demand 1-8 Credit Hours
    Topics not normally included in another course. Prerequisites: are determined by the department and stipulated in the syllabus.
  • CHI 0305 - Readings & Conversation I

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    Continued development of language skills in the target language via readings and conversation. The study of more complex patterns in communicative skills is emphasized. Prerequisite: CHI 0204  or equivalent level of proficiency.
  • CHI 0306 - Readings & Conversation II

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    Continuation of CHI 0305 . Continued development of the four basic language skills in the target language via readings and conversation. The study of more complex patterns in communicative skills is emphasized. Prerequisite: CHI 0305  or equivalent level of proficiency.
  • CHI 0498 - Advanced Topics in Chinese

    Demand 1-8 Credit Hours
    For upper-division students. Topics to be announced each time the course is offered. Prerequisite: CHI 0204  or equivalent level of proficiency.
  • CHI 0499 - Independent Study

    Fall & Spring 1-3 Credit Hours
    Individually directed study in Chinese. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. The proposed study must be approved by the instructor, advisor, department head and dean in advance of enrollment.


  • COMM 0100 - Oral Communication

    Fall, Spring & Summer 3 Credit Hours
    Principles of oral communication, including speaking and listening competencies and skills. Primary emphasis is on presenting various types of speeches and improving listening ability. Research, organization, reasoning, language, and evaluation skill development are included. Three contact hrs. per week.  MOTR: COMM 110


  • COMM 0101 - Introduction to Human Communication

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    An introductory survey of the field of communication, exploring theoretical and research foundations. Included are discussions of language and verbal interaction and nonverbal communication. Contexts of communication are covered: interpersonal, group and organizational, public, intercultural, and mass. Also covered will be career opportunities for students who choose a major or minor in communication. MOTR: COMM 100

  • COMM 0111 - Newswriting

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Development of techniques in reporting and writing for a newspaper. Work on the college newspaper, The Chart, is required. Prerequisite: ENG 0080  or completion or concurrent enrollment in ENG 0101  or above or permission of instructor.
  • COMM 0200 - Audio Production for Media

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Introduces students to the practical applications of audio production which includes principles and techniques of sound pickup and audio control, basic techniques of microphone use, console and mixer operation, recording, editing, and mixing. Projects are recorded for analysis and critique. Two hours lecture, two hours lab per week. Prerequisite: COMM 0100  
  • COMM 0201 - Video Production

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Intensive practice in preparation and production of television programs. Camera techniques, floor setups and direction of crews and talent. Interviewing techniques. Development of varied on-the-air skills. Two hours lecture, two hours lab per week.
  • COMM 0205 - Active Listening and Strategic Negotiations

    Spring (Even) 3 Credit Hours
    A study of the role listening plays in our daily lives and our negotiations with others personally and professionally. Emphasis on the listening and negotiation process, types of listening and negotiation skills, response strategies, and what our listening behaviors communicate to others. Intensive practice for those who recognize the importance of genuine listening and wish to acquire proficient listening abilities to achieve the bet conflict resolution through negotiation.
  • COMM 0211 - Introduction to Public Relations

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Nature and scope of public relations and its relationship to interpersonal and interdisciplinary conduct. Basic elements of public relations including planning, special events, speeches, news releases, annual reports, financial reporting, visual and electronic media techniques. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 .
  • COMM 0215 - Interpersonal Communication

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Person-to-person communication with emphasis on dyadic and group communication. Lecture, reading, and discussion with class experiments designed to illustrate interpersonal communication problems. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0220 - Practicum in Communications

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1 Credit Hour
    Laboratory experience on the staff of the University newspaper, yearbook, or broadcast media. Students will participate fully in the work of the media, working under the supervision of faculty members. A minimum of five hours per week is required. One hour of credit each term for a maximum of three terms. Prerequisite: for The Chart or Crossroads, COMM 0111 ; for KXMS, COMM 0200 ; for TV, COMM 0201 .
  • COMM 0245 - Media Career Exploration

    Fall, Spring & Summer 2 Credit Hours
    Work experience to explore various media in areas related to professional goals in communication, and as a stepping stone to a possible internship. Students will work a minimum of 8 hours a week for a newspaper, radio or TV station, or in a media capacity for a business firm, organization, or institution. Students must be approved for the program before enrolling and must apply before the end of one semester for the following semester. Students will work under the supervision of a faculty member and a person at the media company or organization. Students will present a portfolio or demonstration tape at the conclusion of the course, for evaluation of a final grade. Prerequisite: Declared communications major with a minimum of 30 semester hours; approval of advisor.
  • COMM 0255 - Ethics in Public Relations

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    The Ethics in Public Relations will explore issues most often encountered in public relations and corporate communications using both traditional and contemporary approaches to ethical decision making. The course will cover the processes in the public relations industries, how the campaign development process works, some of the ethical challenges facing the field and social responsibility models and their effects on the organization and organizational stakeholders. Prerequisite: COMM 0100   and COMM 0211  .
  • COMM 0298 - Topics in Communications

    Demand 1-8 Credit Hours
    Topics not normally included in another course. Prerequisites: are determined by the department and stipulated in syllabus.
  • COMM 0300 - Organizational Communication

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    The interface between communication theory and organizational structure. Emphasis upon communication problems in organizations, strategies for overcoming such problems, and the design of effective communication systems in organizational settings. Prerequisites: COMM 0101  and COMM 0215 .
  • COMM 0301 - Media Management

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Concepts for managing media organizations, including leadership, motivating employees, community involvement, legal aspects, ethics, audience targeting, policy determination, media organizational patterns, marketing, ownership influences, planning, and decision making. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 .
  • COMM 0302 - Photocommunications I

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Theory and practice of communication through the medium of photography. Students deal with the application of photography to the mass media.
  • COMM 0303 - Advanced Public Speaking

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Performance-based experiences to promote proficiency in the presentation and criticism of oratory. Emphasis on refining the art of informative and argumentative speechmaking. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0304 - Small Group Communication

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Small group context of interpersonal communication emphasizing group behavior and human relations. Specific units include group problem solving, decision making, and leadership style. Prerequisite: COMM 0100  and ENG 0102  or above or permission of instructor.
  • COMM 0305 - Intercultural Communication

    Fall, Spring & Summer 3 Credit Hours
    Analysis of variables influencing communication among peoples from different cultures. Emphasis on developing interpersonal skills needed in multicultural encounters. Prerequisite: COMM 0100  and ENG 0102  or above or permission of instructor. Cross-listed as HS 0305 .
  • COMM 0306 - Persuasion

    Spring (Odd) 3 Credit Hours
    A theoretical examination of the principles of influencing individuals and groups, a history of rhetoric and modern application of these principles to various areas of social interaction. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0307 - Professional Interviewing

    Fall (Odd) 3 Credit Hours
    Designed to prepare students for professional fields which require information-seeking and -gathering, decision-making, interaction skills and self-expression. The students will participate in a variety of simulated and actual interviewing situations as both an interviewer and interviewee. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0308 - Gender Communication

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    The pragmatics of gender-related communication refers to the study of the embedded contexts of male-female symbolic interaction. This introduction to the field of gender communication will look at interpersonal, organizational, and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0309 - World Cinema

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    This course introduces you to the close analysis, cultural interpretation and global diversity of film as an artistic, social and industrial medium. It will explore some of the major currents in filmmaking from around the globe through various directors and film movements.
  • COMM 0310 - Communication Law

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Statutes, administrative regulations, and court decisions affecting freedom of information, censorship, libel, privacy, contempt of court, obscenity, legal access, copyright, advertising, and broadcasting. Rights, privileges, and obligations of the press. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0315 - Argumentation and Debate

    Fall (Even) 3 Credit Hours
    The theory of the modern forms of evidence, evaluations, arguments, methods of refutation, and ethical relationships of these methods in a free society. Electronic tournament administration software is used. (Meets certification requirements for secondary education.) Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0316 - Business Journalism

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Application of the basic methods and tactics of a business journalist, while incorporating news value, proper spelling and grammar, and Associated Press style. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 , or permission of department head.
  • COMM 0320 - Advanced Video Production

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Focuses on the elements of producing and directing video programs. Students spend laboratory time learning techniques of producing programs for the University’s television station. One hour lecture, four hours lab each week. Prerequisite: COMM 0201 .
  • COMM 0325 - Broadcast News Reporting

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Experience in writing and reporting news for broadcast. Interview assignments, wire rewriting, and actualities. Computer laboratory experience. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 .
  • COMM 0330 - Advanced Communications Practicum

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1 Credit Hour
    Intensive laboratory experience on the staff of the University newspaper, magazine, broadcast media, or on special communications projects. Students will work for a minimum of five hours per week in positions of major responsibilities. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing; media courses to prepare student adequately for work expected; COMM 0220  or permission. For TV: COMM 0320 - Advanced Video Production  or COMM 0431 - Electronic Field Production , for Crossroads: COMM 0335 - Feature Writing . May be repeated for a maximum of six hours of credit.
  • COMM 0331 - Advanced Newspaper Practicum

    Fall, Spring & Summer 2 Credit Hours
    Intensive lab experience with opportunities for major leadership position on the staff of the University newspaper. Students will participate fully in the publication of the newspaper working under the supervision of a faculty member. One class session plus a minimum of ten working hours per week are required. Attendance at a weekly newspaper staff meeting also is required. Prerequisites: COMM 0220  and COMM 0330 .
  • COMM 0333 - Media Editing and Design

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    An examination of the editor’s role and the editing process for print and online news media. Emphasis on spelling, grammar, the Associated Press Stylebook, editing for accuracy and fairness, coaching writers, writing headlines, and designing for print and online. Prerequisite: COMM 0111  or permission of instructor.
  • COMM 0335 - Feature Writing

    Fall (Odd) 3 Credit Hours
    Finding and writing newspaper features and magazine articles, including profiles, columns, reviews, investigative pieces, travel stories, and history articles. A focus on developing and selling story ideas. Work on the University newspaper, The Chart and the alumni magazine Crossroads is required. Prerequisite: COMM 0111  or consent of instructor.
  • COMM 0340 - Research Methods in Communication

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    An introduction into the process of research in communications. Using a variety of research approaches to look at different communication artifacts, classroom focus is on the finding, nature, and evaluation of research. Research methods process is applied to popular communication artifacts. Senior standing or permission of instructor required.
  • COMM 0350 - Sports Writing

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    The fundamental principles of reporting and interpreting sports, improving writing and editing skills for game coverage and feature stories, and further developing and refining those skills necessary for success in the field. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 .
  • COMM 0355 - Case Studies Public Relations

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Analysis of public relations practices, including planning, communication, evaluation; management responsibilities. Prerequisite: COMM 0211 .
  • COMM 0360 - Visual Communication: Images With Messages

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    An examination of visual modes of communication. Topics will include the basic elements of visual messages, the relation of visual communication to language, and the place of images in everyday life. This course is a direct result of the new age in communications initiated and promoted by computer technology. Junior or Senior status or permission of instructor.
  • COMM 0365 - Health Communication

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    The field and study of health communication is vast and at times ambiguous. This course will examine the multitude and dimensions of what is health communication and provide students with the opportunity to define health communication. A review of health communication through an examination of theoretical frameworks, communication techniques and technologies that promote the health of individuals, communities, and populations will be used to provide students with a working knowledge of the importance and influence of communicating health. Additionally, this course will look at how health messages are created and how they influence us as they appear in our lives, from media as well as from relationships with others, both personal and otherwise. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 . Cross-listed as HS 0365   Cross-listed as HS 0365  
  • COMM 0380 - International Media Seminar

    Demand 2 Credit Hours
    An extensive look at the world of international media through the experiences of renowned speakers and discussion leaders. Student will spend a week in Paris, France, attending seminars and conferences and meeting foreign correspondents, syndicated columnists, newspaper editors, television producers, and diplomats. Students must pay for travel and seminar expenses, with specific details available prior to enrollment.
  • COMM 0400 - Advanced Organizational Communication

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    The application of communication theory within the organizational structure is the thrust of the course. Particular attention is focused on analysis and diagnostic capabilities. Communication training and development within an organizational setting is emphasized. Prerequisite: COMM 0300 .
  • COMM 0401 - Nonverbal Communication

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Study types and effects of various nonverbal communication behaviors and develop competencies and skills in applying the study to selected perspectives. Original research as well as published research will be emphasized. Prerequisite: COMM 0100 .
  • COMM 0402 - Photocommunications II

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Advanced theory and practice of communication through the medium of photography. Students work on the application of photography to the mass media. The use of computer programs and visual manipulation of images is a component of the course. Persuasion, nonverbal communication, public communication, and interpersonal communication will be used to create a portfolio of journalistic photographs that offer a visual narrative to the viewer. Prerequisite: Photocommunications I or consent of the instructor.
  • COMM 0405 - Advanced Intercultural Communication

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    An in-depth analysis of variables which influence communication among peoples from different cultures. It will be an application of the intercultural theories and principles learned in the basic Intercultural Communication course. This in-depth analysis of seven cultures, Northern Ireland, American Indians, Germany, China, Japan, India, and the Amish subculture in North America, from a communication perspective will utilize the case study method. Prerequisite: COMM 0305  or permission of instructor.
  • COMM 0410 - Crisis Communication

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    This course provides students insights regarding key concepts, theoretical perspectives, essential skills and abilities, and critical thinking and problem solving skills necessary for effective crisis communication within organizations. The course follows the crisis communication process through the stages of pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis. The pre-crisis stage discusses planning and environmental scanning. The crisis stage discusses communication strategies for image restoration. The post-crisis stage depicts crisis as an opportunity for organizational learning and for rebuilding or expanding public trust. The course uses a case study approach throughout. Prerequisite: COMM 0211  
  • COMM 0411 - Political and Social Communication

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Critical analysis of speakers and speeches selected to present the characteristic ideas of leading social and political developments in national and international affairs; includes lecture, reading, and discussion. Prerequisites: COMM 0100  and junior or senior standing.
  • COMM 0420 - Mass Communications Theory

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Explores the various theories which have been applied to understanding the effects of the mass media. Students will learn the various paradigms which have been applied in attempting to predict media performance, reliability and impact. Prerequisite: COMM 0100  plus 3 hours of communication courses.
  • COMM 0425 - Broadcast Scriptwriting

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    Methods, style, and techniques for preparing scripts for various types of radio and television programs and announcements. Emphasis on promotion commercials, public service announcements, partially scripted and fully-scripted program formats such as public affairs programs, variety shows, game shows, the documentary, and drama. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 .
  • COMM 0430 - Advanced Broadcast News Reporting

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    Theory and practice of producing a regularly scheduled television newscast. Study, criticism, and evaluation of broadcast journalism. Six laboratory hours plus one staff meeting per week. Prerequisite: COMM 0325 . Course may be repeated for a maximum of six hours.
  • COMM 0431 - Electronic Field Production

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Planning, designing, and executing electronic field productions. This course is designed to build aesthetic awareness and the technical skills necessary to conceive and develop an idea and communicate that idea to others. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: COMM 0101 .
  • COMM 0433 - Advanced Media Editing and Design

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Application of the editor’s role in design for print and online media with attention to design principles for complex layouts, while incorporating news value, proper spelling and grammar, and Associated Press style. Prerequisite: COMM 0333  or permission of department head.
  • COMM 0450 - Community Journalism

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    Examining the nature and role of community journalism in an urbanized society is the thrust of the study. It relies heavily on the expertise of community journalism practitioners as resources of information and research. Experience with small daily and weekly newspapers will be the foundation for developing skills in community journalism. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 .
  • COMM 0455 - Writing for Public Relations

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Study, analysis and practice in writing for public relations media or for public relations use by media. Includes writing news, publicity, and feature stories as well as effective letter writing, newsletters, and brochures. Prerequisite: COMM 0211 .
  • COMM 0460 - Global Journalism

    Demand 3 Credit Hours
    Structures, processes, and functions of newspapers around the world. Encompasses such issues as the use of print media between and within nations, censorship and repression, news coverage of war, and U.S. news coverage of international affairs. Prerequisite: COMM 0111 .
  • COMM 0470 - New Media Technology

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Exploration of developed and developing technologies likely to shape the future of electronic media. New uses of older technologies. Historical development, regulation, and audience effects of these technologies. Students will become aware of critical controversies and projected future developments of technology. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
  • COMM 0491 - Internship in Communications

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1-8 Credit Hours
    Off-campus work experience in areas related to professional goals of students. For advanced majors in communications. Students must be approved for the program prior to enrolling. Application must be made during the first half of one semester for the following semester. In all internships students work under joint supervision of a faculty member and a representative of the organization providing the intern experience. Prerequisite: Communications major with a minimum of 85 semester hrs.; approval of department head prior to enrolling. Some internships may have other specific prerequisites. Guidelines are available in the department’s offices and must be followed. Students may repeat the course to a maximum of 8 hrs. of credit.
  • COMM 0492 - Communication Issues

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Required of all communications majors. Synthesizes information obtained from previous coursework. Students are presented with current issues of concern from communications fields and are asked to present possible scenarios for their resolution. Prerequisite: Senior standing, plus 15 hrs. in communications.
  • COMM 0498 - Advanced Topics in Communication

    Demand 1-8 Credit Hours
    For upper-division students. Topics to be announced each time the course is offered.
  • COMM 0499 - Independent Study in Speech, Mass Communications or Public Relations

    Fall, Spring & Summer 1-3 Credit Hours
    Individually directed study in selected areas for advanced majors in communications. Projects require an individually tailored independent study syllabus structured by the adviser with must be approved by the department head and school dean prior to enrollment. Prerequisite: Must have completed 90 hrs. with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have completed 15 hrs. of communications.

Computer Information Science

  • CIS 0105 - Introduction to Microcomputer Use

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Instruction in the fundamental use of microcomputers through packaged software and operating systems. The course provides a broad introduction to hardware, software, computer networks, online social networking, and library database searches. Major application areas are discussed, such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation tools.
  • CIS 0110 - Programming I

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Introduces programming in a personal computer-based environment. The student will learn the fundamentals of PC hardware, operating systems, and programming. Special emphasis is placed on proper program style, including modularity and structured design. The language of implementation is Visual C#. Co-requisite: MATH 0130  or above.
  • CIS 0202 - Information Systems I

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    This course provides an overview of the broad field of information systems and technology. Explores the function of information systems and technology in modern organizations. Explores the options for graduates in the field. Introduces terms and concepts that are used throughout the field. Examines options for professional development in the field. Examines the design of information systems. Emphasizes the student’s ability to clarify problem statements and define objectives with discussion of analysis of information systems using standard methodologies.
  • CIS 0210 - Programming II

    Fall & Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Continued development of the programming and problem solving skills introduced in CIS 0110 . Structured programming and the object-oriented paradigm are emphasized. Includes an in-depth coverage of strings, arrays, files, classes, and namespaces. Introduces Windows application programming. The language of implementation is Visual C#. Prerequisite: CIS 0110  with a grade of ‘C’ or above.
  • CIS 0230 - Midrange Solutions I

    Spring 3 Credit Hours
    Introduces the programming skills needed to develop and maintain software solutions for the IBM iSeries platform. This machine is extensively used by regional banks, companies that create and market software for regional banks, and the trucking industry. The language of implementation is RPG. Includes language syntax and practice in preparing, compiling, and executing applications of increasing complexity.  Prerequisite: CIS 0210  with a grade of ‘C’ or above. 
  • CIS 0234 - Enterprise Solutions I

    Fall 3 Credit Hours
    Introduces the programming skills needed to develop and maintain software solutions for Fortune 500 companies. The programming language of implementation is COBOL. Applications may include payroll processing, inventory control, and billing systems. Syntax of the language, report production using both sequential and indexed files, and structured methodologies are major topics.  Prerequisite: CIS 0210  with a grade of ‘C’ or above.
  • CIS 0298 - Topics in Computer Information Science

    Demand 1-3 Credit Hours
    Addresses emerging topics in computer science and management information systems. Each offering will be on a subject not normally included in another course. Prerequisites may be specified in each course syllabus.

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