Total Hours: 120
- General Education requirements Area 2 B fulfilled by TH 220 and Area 5B fulfilled by MUS 101 or MUS 106 or MUS 120 (new course)
- Must include at least 39 upper division (300-400) credit hours
Music majors must enroll in applied lessons and a major ensemble every semester they take classes. BME students don’t have to take applied lessons or a major ensemble in the semester they student teach. Similarly, Music majors who are on BM with Electives in an Outside Field track and who may have an internship their last semester, are also exempt from applied lessons and a major ensemble in that semester.
All Performance majors must participate in a minimum of 1 production each year, wherein they specifically use their skill as a performer in their major applied area.
Performing Arts Majors are required to take the following Gen Ed courses for their degree:
GE2B: TH 0220 Professional Interaction
GE5B: MUS 0101 Jazz Styles, or MUS 0106 World Music, or TH 0116 History of Musical Theatre
Performing Arts Majors must enroll in the following (depending on year of study and necessity of credit for GPA) they take classes. BME & BSE (music and theatre education) majors are exempt from this requirement in the semester they student teach. Similarly, BM with Electives in an Outside Field track and BS Music Industry & Theatre Industry majors, wherein the student may have an internship their junior and senior semesters, are also exempt from this requirement in that semester.
PERF 0240 Performance Hour and Concert Attendance 0credits
PERF 0241 Performance Hour and Concert Attendance 1credits
PERF 0340 Performance Hour and Concert Attendance 0credits
PERF 0341 Performance Hour and Concert Attendance 1credits
Performing Arts Majors must enroll in applied lessons and a major ensemble (for Theatre majors, the ensemble is the Production, whereas Concert Chorale, Concert Band, Marching Band, and Wind Ensemble serve as the ensembles for Music majors) every semester they take classes. BME & BSE (music and theatre education) majors are exempt from this requirement in the semester they student teach. Similarly, BM with Electives in an Outside Field track and BS Music Industry & Theatre Industry majors, wherein the student may have an internship their junior and senior semesters, are also exempt from this requirement in that semester.
Performing Arts Majors must participate in a minimum of 1 production each year, wherein they specifically use their skill as a performer in their major applied area.
Performing Arts Majors must complete and pass a performance jury evaluation every semester they take applied lessons, with the exception being the semester they do their capstone performance.
Performing Arts Majors must enroll in the following 0-credit studio courses (depending on year of study) every semester they take applied lessons.
PERF 0242 Applied Studio Class
PERF 0442 Advanced Applied Studio Class
Performing Arts Majors who are in the BME (education) and BM (performance) programs must pass a piano proficiency before they are awarded their degrees and must enroll in applied keyboard lessons until it is passed. BME students must pass the proficiency before they are allowed to student teach.
Performing Arts Majors must pass the Sophomore Barrier at the end of their sophomore year. BA majors are exempt from this requirement.
Performing Arts graduates must have at least 39 upper division (300-400) credit hours.