2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Performing Arts (Music and Theatre)
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Performing Arts
Sharlow - Chair, Allan, Cotter, O’Brien, and Robinson
Fine Arts Building • 417-625-9318
The Missouri Southern Department of Performing Arts seeks to serve the University and its community by providing access to music and theatre as a vocation or avocation through education, performance, and technology with the goal of creating performing arts supporters, entrepreneurs, participants, and professionals in music and/or theatre.
Performance Opportunities
Distinctive to Missouri Southern is the ability for all students, regardless of major, to participate in our musical ensembles and theatrical productions while taking private, one-on-one, lessons in music and acting. Students can also participate in more than one performing arts area and aren’t limited to only being in choir, band, or theatre. These opportunities provide for a variety of performance experiences makes MSSU a great place to further your performing arts interests and abilities regardless of your major.
Features of our Department
- Participation our ensembles and productions does not require you to major or minor in music or theatre.
- International travel opportunities even years - Ireland, Scandinavia, England, France, etc.
- Domestic travel opportunities odd years - NYC (Carnegie Hall), St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, etc.
- Workshops, masterclasses, and seminars from international professionals in the performing arts.
- Nurturing of both a vocational and avocational future in the performing arts.
The Missouri Southern State University Division of Music is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), meaning out degrees/certificates/courses/ensembles have been rigorously reviewed by outside music professionals and found to meet the highest standards. As a Missouri Southern music graduate, you will not only hold a degree that will be recognized for its rigor, but because of our ability to offer a variety of academic, programmatic, and performance opportunities, you will have the necessary experiences to enter the professional world of music education, performance, and industry with confidence.
Choral / Vocal Studies 
The Choral and Vocal Studies Program provides the singer, regardless of major, the opportunity to perform a wide-ranging, yet complimentary, variety of music in an equally diverse number of ensembles, performances, and genre types. Our ensembles include Concert Chorale (large mixed choir) and Chamber Singers (highly-select mixed ensemble). MSSU vocalists compete alongside other state universities in competitions sponsored by the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) where they consistently place in the first and second place divisions at the district, state, and national levels.
Instrumental Studies

The Instrumental Studies Program provides the instrumentalist, regardless of major, the opportunity to perform in a variety of instrumental ensembles geared specifically for a variety of music and genres. Our two athletic ensembles include the Lion Pride Marching Band, the Lion Pride Pep Band, while our concert ensembles include the Missouri Southern Concert Band and the Southern Jazz Orchestra. Opportunities to perform in wind and brass chamber ensembles also exist. Our other various instrumental ensembles perform at a high-level while also creating a welcoming musical environment for all students.
Theatrical Studies
The Theatre Studies Program provides the actor and crew member, regardless of major, the opportunity to perform-in/work-on a wide-variety of repertoire meant for both the large and small stages. Our productions include the fall musical, and the spring straight-play. Other productions include the children’s play and student-directed plays that happen throughout the year.
Degrees / Certificates
With concentrations in education, performance, and industry, our degrees and certificates will give you the essential training and experience for a career in the performing arts. No matter what area of specialty you choose, the skills you will learn at Missouri Southern will provide you with the necessary foundation to put you in the workforce immediately or prepare you for further graduate study.
The Performing Arts Department offers a variety of degrees and certificates that provide a path to achieve your dreams in music and theatre!
- Music Major, Instrumental Performance, BM, MU06
- Music Major, Vocal Performance, BM, MU08
- Music Major, Keyboard Performance, BM, MU07
- Music Major, Musical Theatre, BM, MU05
- Theatre Major, Theatre Performance, BFA, TH07
Elective Studies
Liberal Arts Degrees
Undergraduate Certificate Offerings - These can be paired with any of the above degrees, or with the Bachelor of General Studies degree. They can also be earned separate from any degree.
- Theatre: Arts Administration & Leadership Certificate, TH95
- Music: Jazz Studies Certificate, MU90
- Music: Conducting Certificate, MU91
- Music: Ensemble Performance Certificate, MU93
- Music Industry Certificate, MU94
- Music Instruction Certificate, MU92
- Music: Pit Orchestra Performance Certificate, MU97
- Musical Theatre Certificate, Music, MU96
- Theatre: Theatre Industry Certificate, TH74
- Theatre: Theatre Instruction Certificate, Theatre, TH73
Graduate Certificate Offerings - Our graduate certificates, which can be paired with the Master of Science in Education Curriculum and Instruction degree in Teacher Education, include:
General Education/Core 42
There are several Performing Arts courses available for consideration to fulfill both Area 2B and 5B of general education requirements.
Area 2B Oral Communications can be fulfilled by TH 0220 TH 0220 - Professional Interaction
Area 5B Fine Arts can be fulfilled by
What can you do with a performing arts degree or certificate
Education: Bachelor of Music Education / Bachelor of Science in Speech and Theatre / Certificate in Music Instruction / Certificate in Theatre Instruction / Graduate Certificate in Music Pedagogy / Certificate in Music Conducting
- Conductor
- Director
- Teach community college
- Teach elementary music
- Teach secondary music - conduct a choir/conduct a band
- Teach secondary speech/theatre - direct a play/direct a musical
- Music Therapy
Performance: Bachelor of Music in Vocal, Instrumental, and Keyboard Performance / Bachelor of Fine Arts Theatre Performance / Bachelor of Musical Theatre / Certificate in Music Ensemble Performance / Certificate in Music Conducting / Certificate in Pit Orchestra Performance / Certificate in Musical Theatre
- Accompanist
- College applied music/theatre professor
- Music theatre performer
- Opera/oratorio singer
- Rock/pop/country artist
- Session artist
- Theatre performer
Industry: Bachelor of Science in Music Industry / Bachelor of Science in Theatre Industry / Certificate in Arts Administration & Leadership / Certificate in Music Industry / Certificate in Theatre Industry
- Acoustician
- Arts administrator
- Arts business manager
- Audio techician
- Designer: stage, lighting, costume, and set
- Instrument repair
- Talent Agent
Electives Studies: Bachelor of Music with Elective Studies in an Outside Field
- Music business
- Music engineer
- Music therapy
- Music lawyer
For additional information contact:
Dr. David Sharlow • Music Building 206
417-625-9562 • Sharlow-d@mssu.edu
ProgramsMajor Programs (Undergraduate)
- *NEW Theatre Major, Theatre Industry, BS, TH10
- Music Major, BA, MU00
- Music Major, Electives Outside Field, BM, MU09
- Music Major, Instrumental Performance, BM, MU06
- Music Major, Keyboard Performance, BM, MU07
- Music Major, Music Industry, BS, MU10
- Music Major, Musical Theatre, BM, MU05
- Music Major, Vocal Performance, BM, MU08
- Theatre Major, BA, TH00
- Theatre Major, Theatre Performance, BFA, TH07
Certificates (Undergraduate)
- Costume Technology Certificate, Theatre, TH92
- Music Industry Certificate, MU94
- Music Instruction Certificate, MU92
- Music: Conducting Certificate, MU91
- Music: Ensemble Performance Certificate, MU93
- Music: Jazz Studies Certificate, MU90
- Music: Pit Orchestra Performance Certificate, MU97
- Musical Theatre Certificate, Music, MU96
- Theatre Directing Certificate, TH94
- Theatre: Arts Administration & Leadership Certificate, TH95
- Theatre: Theatre Industry Certificate, TH74
- Theatre: Theatre Instruction Certificate, Theatre, TH73
Certificates (Graduate) Minors (Undergraduate) Teacher Education Programs
CoursesMusic- MUS 0100 - Fundamentals of Music
- MUS 0101 - Jazz Styles & Appreciation
- MUS 0103 - Class Piano I
- MUS 0104 - Class Piano II
- MUS 0105 - Voice Class
- MUS 0106 - World Music
- MUS 0107 - Aural Skills I
- MUS 0108 - Aural Skills II
- MUS 0109 - Fundamentals of Music Theory
- MUS 0110 - Music Appreciation
- MUS 0111 - Music Theory I: Musicianship and Aural Skills
- MUS 0112 - Music Theory II: Advanced Musicianship and Aural Skills
- MUS 0114 - Elective in Jazz Improvisation
- MUS 0116 - Applied Performance: Brass
- MUS 0119 - Southern Symphonic Chorus
- MUS 0120 - A History of Rock and Roll Music: Attitudes, Culture, and Society
- MUS 0121 - Concert Chorale
- MUS 0123 - Chamber Singers
- MUS 0126 - Applied Performance: Keyboard
- MUS 0129 - Missouri Southern Pep Band
- MUS 0130 - Vocal Technique & Pedagogy
- MUS 0133 - Opera
- MUS 0136 - Applied Performance Percussion
- MUS 0141 - Jazz Orchestra
- MUS 0143 - Jazz Combo
- MUS 0146 - Applied Performance: String
- MUS 0151 - Orchestra
- MUS 0156 - Applied Performance: Woodwind
- MUS 0161 - Madrigal Singers
- MUS 0166 - Applied Performance Voice
- MUS 0171 - Chamber Brass
- MUS 0176 - Applied Music Elective: Composition
- MUS 0181 - Choral Conducting: Technique and Literature
- MUS 0182 - Instrumental Conducting: Technique and Literature
- MUS 0183 - Percussion Ensemble
- MUS 0185 - Chamber Winds
- MUS 0187 - Wind Ensemble
- MUS 0189 - Exploration of the Steel Band I
- MUS 0191 - Marching Band
- MUS 0192 - Concert Band
- MUS 0203 - Class Piano III
- MUS 0204 - Careers in Music and Performing Arts
- MUS 0207 - Aural Skills III
- MUS 0208 - Aural Skills IV
- MUS 0211 - Music Theory III: Harmony and Aural Skills
- MUS 0212 - Music Theory IV: Advanced Harmony and Aural Skills
- MUS 0214 - Elective in Jazz Improvisation
- MUS 0220 - Italian & German Vocal Diction
- MUS 0221 - French & English Vocal Diction
- MUS 0229 - Musical Theatre Diction
- MUS 0230 - Accompanying
- MUS 0231 - String/Guitar Technique, Pedagogy, and Repertoire
- MUS 0232 - Brass Technique, Pedagogy, and Repertoire
- MUS 0233 - Percussion Technique, Pedagogy, and Repertoire
- MUS 0234 - Woodwind Technique, Pedagogy, and Repertoire
- MUS 0235 - Brass and Percussion Technique, Pedagogy, and Repertoire
- MUS 0243 - Musical Theatre
- MUS 0269 - Applied Conducting
- MUS 0298 - Topics in Music
- MUS 0310 - Black Music of Two Worlds
- MUS 0311 - History of Music and Literature I
- MUS 0312 - History of Music and Literature II
- MUS 0313 - Music History and Literature III
- MUS 0316 - Advanced Applied Performance: Brass
- MUS 0319 - Southern Symphonic Chorus
- MUS 0320 - Vocal Repertoire
- MUS 0321 - Concert Chorale
- MUS 0323 - Chamber Singers
- MUS 0326 - Advanced Applied Performance: Keyboard
- MUS 0329 - Missouri Southern Pep Band
- MUS 0330 - Vocal Technique & Pedagogy
- MUS 0332 - Music for Elementary School
- MUS 0333 - Pre-Kindergarten through Middle School General Music Methods
- MUS 0336 - Advance Applied Performance: Percussion
- MUS 0338 - Applied Music Percussion Elective
- MUS 0341 - Jazz Orchestra
- MUS 0343 - Jazz Combo
- MUS 0346 - Advanced Applied Performance: Strings
- MUS 0349 - Junior Recital
- MUS 0350 - Junior Recital
- MUS 0351 - Orchestra
- MUS 0356 - Advanced Applied Performance: Woodwind
- MUS 0361 - Madrigal Singers
- MUS 0366 - Advanced Applied Performance: Voice
- MUS 0371 - Chamber Brass
- MUS 0373 - Music Theatre Styles I
- MUS 0376 - Applied Music Elective: Composition
- MUS 0383 - Percussion Ensemble
- MUS 0385 - Chamber Winds
- MUS 0387 - Wind Ensemble
- MUS 0389 - Exploration of the Steel Drum Band II
- MUS 0391 - Marching Band
- MUS 0392 - Concert Band
- MUS 0400 - Secondary Music Methods
- MUS 0403 - Introduction to Live and Recorded Sound
- MUS 0409 - Choral Literature I: Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque
- MUS 0411 - Marching Band Methods
- MUS 0412 - Music Technology
- MUS 0415 - Woodwind Literature & Pedagogy
- MUS 0419 - Choral Literature II: Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary
- MUS 0420 - Form and Analysis
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